Example sentences of "[be] to be [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The entire carboxy terminal half of the proteins , from aa 400 to the end , is predicted to be to be very hydrophilic ( 22 , 30 ) .
2 Our response to recession must simply be to be more determined , focused and innovative .
3 Informal groups should be organized on the basis of free self-expression if they are to be most helpful .
4 To date the government , and the industry , has refused to be drawn on the isotopic concentration of the plutonium exported to America — critical information if objectors are to be wholly satisfied that no weapons-grade material got across to the other side of the Atlantic .
5 ‘ The Pakistan bowlers have added a new dimension to bowling — one that needs to be carefully noted by other countries if they are to be equally successful swingers of the old ball . ’
6 This helps stress the need to get the whole approach right if the landings are to be reasonably accurate .
7 This question needs to be tackled if we are to be reasonably certain that observed variation reflects a speaker 's norm rather than random fluctuation in the data .
8 Facilities are to be environmentally efficient and visually attractive .
9 Second , Titles V and VI make it explicitly clear that just as with other aspects of Community life , the institutions of the EEC , in particular the Commission , are to be fully involved in ‘ Union ’ foreign and home policy .
10 Indeed , if performance criteria are to be national , if they are to have currency throughout the system , and if they are to be as detailed and specific as the proponents of criterion-referenced testing insist , then this reform presages central intervention in the school curriculum of a most emphatic kind .
11 Children are more likely to obtain jobs in the class bracket of their fathers than they are to be socially mobile .
12 Equally , if farmers are to be more subject to market forces , the planning system must be flexible and sensitive enough to enable farmers to diversify .
13 If we are to be more specific , we must compare one particular type of indirect tax system with one particular type of direct tax system .
14 There are already signs that the rights are to be so qualified as to become ineffective .
15 If there are major disagreements as to concepts ( eg as to whether the warranties are to be very detailed or are merely trying to catch material items ) it may be necessary to have a meeting of the principals to resolve the concepts against which the agreement is to be negotiated .
16 Conference believes that if we are to be truly representative , with full democratic involvement within the movement , then the T U C should allow this conference the right to send two motions and delegates to the T U C Congress each year .
17 These are to be basically literate , to be basically numerate , to understand how to live and work together , and have respect for others and respect for the individual .
18 The word ‘ strategy ’ , or indeed , ‘ management ’ , for example , implies that choices are available ; and choices , if they are to be rationally defensible , must be made by reference to known and accepted principles .
19 In addition , because there are only a very few , small sites available for redevelopment , new investors would be pushing out present occupiers if the development were to be economically viable .
20 In November 1989 the Estonian Supreme Soviet declared the republic to be " sovereign " , and USSR Supreme Soviet laws were to be effectively subject to approval by the Estonian Supreme Soviet [ see p. 36486 ] .
21 She needed a plan of action , she decided as she began the task of stripping several layers of wallpaper from the walls — a concerted campaign to protect the club , and if she were to be painfully honest , herself , from the marauding hands of the so-called Midnight Raider .
22 As with the Merseyside Task Force , they were to be primarily concerned with project development and not with issues of strategy .
23 Among all the books which have survived — and nearly seventy have now been identified — there is not a single volume of the basic works of Patristic theology or of recent scholastic learning , which ( as we have seen ) were conspicuous in the library at Bec , and were to be equally conspicuous at Canterbury after Lanfranc had restored the library .
24 This would not arise if the universal conception were to be theoretically dominant in a social psychology which resembled a universal anthropology more than it did a historical social science .
25 If we were to be totally cynical , we would say it lets Darlington MP Michael Fallon off a nasty hook .
26 If these post-war years were to be so crucial to the formation of the post-war employment structure , economic dislocation provided an atmosphere in which self-preservation was an understandable objective .
27 By 1802 John Wayland — a member of a famous Frome family , some of whom were to be very eminent in Baptist circles in America — was the new owner , and rates on it cost him 4d. ; lucky old Mrs. Muir , then , who had taken over by 1804 , and was only charged half the price …
28 Most western European governments decided to hang on to the state monopoly in telecommunications networks ; their deregulatory ventures were to be very modest indeed — for example in allowing greater flexibility in renting or buying telephone handsets and other terminal equipment .
29 From that time the influences were to be more European than English or colonial .
30 But Kokoschka and Kraus were to be more comfortable in Berlin , and Loos 's principles were only to be realized on a major scale by the Bauhaus architects .
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