Example sentences of "[be] say by a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is all in order because the proceedings start with a service conducted by the Anglican rural dean , at which the reading is by a member of the Free Churches , and where prayers are said by a Jesuit .
2 Think of it being said by a policeman who adds , ‘ We think you may be able to help us in our enquiries . ’
3 One hamlet outside Chimoio is said by a nutrition expert to have more maize than it can swallow , or even store .
4 The use of music in worship in New Zealand has grown in quantity as a result of greater congregational singing , but its quality is said by a correspondent to have declined greatly .
5 A DUNGANNON motorist who was said by a magistrate to have a ‘ dreadful drink-driving record ’ was fined £550 and lost his licence for five years at Cookstown Magistrates Court yesterday .
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