Example sentences of "[be] in [num] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Entrance fees to foreigners with less than two years service on British ships were in 1889 set at £pound20 with the obvious intention of making the cost of membership prohibitive .
2 They were charged with treason and sentenced to death in 1983 , but following international condemnation the sentences were in 1984 commuted to life imprisonment [ see p. 33018 ] .
3 The description of Clark 's in 1906 refers to the separate composing-rooms for women disposed differently from the men 's to combat " chatter " .
4 The Festival 's series of Writers Talks is in 1991 presented with the support of The Guardian .
5 Hitherto a semi-independent region of western China ruled by a Dalai Lama , the head of Tibet 's Buddhist clergy and thus its spiritual leader , Tibet was in 1950 occupied by the Chinese communist People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) .
6 Hitherto a semi-independent region of western China ruled by the Dalai Lama , the head of Tibet 's Buddhist clergy and its spiritual leader , Tibet was in 1950 occupied by the communist Chinese People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) .
7 The cost of one SPS according to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration was in 1979 put at $25 billion while $30 billion would be required to set up the project .
8 After the Restoration Garway was in 1661 returned to Parliament for Chichester , and quickly became one of its most assiduous members .
9 Louis XIV was in 1691 persuaded by James to support a new attempt by the deposed monarch to regain his throne .
10 Poitevin favourites were appointed to key positions ; the Household clerk , Peter des Rivaux , was in 1232 appointed for life to be Chief Justice of the Forests of England , and also warden of the Forests of Clarendon , Gillingham and Dean .
11 Formerly part of the Ottoman Empire , Syria was in 1920 occupied by France under a League of Nations mandate ; it achieved full independence in 1946 .
12 The Public Trustee 's office therefore continues to discharge the work it retains , though the volume of this work is still declining , and the administration of the office was in 1988 combined with that of the Official Solicitor .
13 Another fine eight-part composition , the motet ‘ Super flumina Babylonis ’ , was in 1583 sent by de Monte to William Byrd whom he must have met thirty years earlier during his visit to England as a member of Philip II 's chapel .
14 Bill Sanderson was in 1972 encouraged by the then art editor of New Society , Charlie Ridell , to experiment with scraper-board to cope with the poor letterpress reproduction that was not uncommon at the time .
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