Example sentences of "[be] a [noun] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You 're a mercenary and you kill people with laser guns !
2 You 're a machine and you must do what you 're told ! ’
3 You have to go through a short course at the R A F College Cranwell and then once that that teaches you the R A F side of it makes you into an officer because at the end of the day you maybe there to do public relations but if the spaghetti hits the fan you 're an officer and you 're a combatant and you know you carry a gun around when you 're in a war zone and you know you 're expected to use it and if the senior officer of the unit next to you gets shot and you 're the most senior officer then you take over
4 It 's not like reading a story , which you have been doing because you 're a child and you read children 's stories in which you have people and things , it 's about entirely abstract ideas and
5 So if you 're a parent and you 're allowing your kids to go out on er trick or treat night or Halloween , then you do n't deserve to have children .
6 wax jackets but they 're a waistcoat and I 've , I 've ordered one really just to see what it 's , it 's like , because erm at the moment I can , I just try and get a bit closer to the door , I think we 'll go round again , erm cos in the , in my club book at the moment , I , I can get twenty percent off and which brings it down to , it 's twe well say thirty pound so twenty per cent off it brings me down to erm brings it down to twenty four pounds and then erm with my commission off that brings it down to just under twenty one pound
7 Now that is you know what do you do with these things I mean they 're a nuisance when it comes to making a presentation .
8 I do n't really see that there 's such a dividing line , because I think if you 're a housewife and you have a beautiful milk jug , which is perhaps very simple but has lovely lines to it , I think even if it 's only subconsciously you get more pleasure out of using that than you would a rather cracked , grubby , plastic jug .
9 Well Robert here a a barrister , I 'll just get the microphone over here , you 're a barrister and you 've prosecuted quite a lot of , you 've been in the army yourself and prosecuted a lot of cases , now h he says that er that the British public love the Army , but from what we 're hearing tonight , there 's a lot that 's rotten to the core ?
10 Yeah , but you 're a go and we 've been to .
11 Ah , but you 're a winner when I I 'm alright now .
12 I mean , I think every women sho , here should be proud to say they 're a feminist if they believe in equal rights for theirself , and it 's only men that use in the derogatory way .
13 What 's the price you pay when you 're a boss and you 're in an obsessive , self-regarding industry like this ?
14 If you 're a comic and you walk down the street and people recognize you , it means a lot of people are watching your show and that 's a kind of indicator of quality or success or whatever .
15 Or that you 're a duffer if you ca n't polish off a wall gecko in under two minutes ? ’
16 I mean if you 're a builder and you receive sixteen thousand , of , of that there 's a thousand pounds from Joe Bloggs builder whatnot , then the er the tax inspector will make a note , and pass on a little note to Joe Bloggs ' file that , yeah he paid Bill Smith a thousand pounds , and i that then should appear in his accounts , and if it does n't , then he 's a ripe subject for being investigated .
17 ‘ You 're a virgin and I 've woken you up ! ’ he drawled , reaching her , strong hands sliding to her waist .
18 I , I get the feeling that because they do n't really know especially if you 're caught pissing around in quad , yeah , and er it 's by a teacher that you do n't know , a ma or a master or something they do n't pay much attention to it because you 're a girl and they do n't know you and I get that feeling anyway , I feel slightly like we c could actually get away with more .
19 Ye 're a Catholic and you have an incestuous relationship … ’
20 They 're a group that you can tax .
21 ‘ We 're a group and I guess it was a video .
22 And I ca n't decide whether it 's , you 're A types and you go into construction , or you 're in construction and it makes you into A types .
23 ‘ Oh , Charity , your whole problem is that you 're accustomed to people bowing down before you because you 're a doctor and they assume you walk with the gods .
24 Well when you 're a waitress and you mix you know with all sorts and you hear different people talking and what they did and what they did n't do you now and some had Doctor pills at that time in the nineteen thirties and some used the Indian bark .
25 How was a er er er y y y y you 're a cadre and you receive this how do you take it ?
26 If you quite like the sound of acupuncture but you 're a wimp when it comes to needles , think instead about Shiatsu-Do .
27 You 're a liar and I 'm gon na have a look in the mirror in a minute I know it ai n't sticking up .
28 We 're a team and he 's the best photographer in the business .
29 You have to go through a short course at the R A F College Cranwell and then once that that teaches you the R A F side of it makes you into an officer because at the end of the day you maybe there to do public relations but if the spaghetti hits the fan you 're an officer and you 're a combatant and you know you carry a gun around when you 're in a war zone and you know you 're expected to use it and if the senior officer of the unit next to you gets shot and you 're the most senior officer then you take over
30 You 're an angel and I adore you and is there a bottle of champagne in the fridge because I want you to celebrate with me . ’
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