Example sentences of "[be] be [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Even the WBC , the governing body that insist they 'll now give their title to Lewis , would have been been appeased by such a compromise .
2 Erm , all councillors have been been circulated with this .
3 I certainly I I think the percentages there are er er are accurate er taken from the the diagrams , but I would n't accept the er the follow on , the conclusions which are are drawn in that paragraph , clearly .
4 The economic situation in the country is , is , is going down and down and down , and they 're being squeezed by this whole crisis .
5 We 're being attacked on all sides , quite frankly .
6 Now you see we 're being modernized in this area , now they 're old steel houses in Allenton , about five hundred of 'em
7 And at at at this point in time we do not t think it 's appropriate that be be added in this amendment to the structure plan Mr chairman .
8 ‘ I 'm being dragged into this pit , what do you think ? ’
9 It was almost a relief to be being attacked on this particular issue , because there were other far more personal ones to be dreaded .
10 Ironically , one casualty of failure to bring it into force would be the express attempt to limit action on the part of the Community through the concept of subsidiarity , even if in practical terms account already seems to be being taken of this concept .
11 The only place you ought to be is locked on this dance-floor with me . ’
12 I 'm was leaning on this , look !
13 What opportunities and problems are being surfaced regarding this subject ?
14 I have not wavered in the slightest degree in my attitude to this war , nor have I changed my mind as to the need of a final and complete settlement , but I want to say that in a war in which losses of such terrible magnitude are being imposed on all the Nations it appears to me not only wise but imperative that every country should use its political weapon to supplement all its military organisation , if by so doing it can defeat the enemy .
15 This means that the higher rents are being imposed on some of the poorest members of the community , including a high proportion of elderly and unemployed people and a preponderance of semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers .
16 FOUR British helicopters are being sent to former Yugoslavia as air ambulances , the Ministry of Defence said yesterday .
17 Chopper squad : Four Royal Navy Sea King helicopters are being sent to former Yugoslavia as air ambulances .
18 He , too , has sought to publicise and to persuade the public of the need to avoid the activities that are being condemned in this debate .
19 There is never only a ‘ core meaning ’ of an utterance but rather there are always alternative models ; novel contexts are being re-created with each utterance ; language users are continually establishing and transforming social reality in their communications .
20 Resource studies Two closely related projects are being undertaken under this heading .
21 Norman McMordie , Dalgety 's sales manager , said : ‘ Local shows are being attended by many members of the public who do not have an in-depth knowledge of farming .
22 Measures are being obtained within each organisation of the styles of managerial leadership , the specific behaviours which leaders most frequently use and performance measures for work teams and for the organisation as a whole .
23 It really worries me that we are being exposed like this . ’
24 More patients are being treated in more specialities and with more up-to-date methods than ever before — a reflection of the hard work and high levels of professionalism of the staff who serve the people of Darlington and Teesdale . ’
25 More patients are being treated in more specialities and with more up-to-date methods than ever before a reflection of the hard work and high levels of professionalism of the staff who serve the people of Darlington and Teesdale . ’
26 County Durham headteacher , Olwyn Gunn , a national executive member of the National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers , said : ‘ I really do n't know of any school where poverty is so bad that children are being treated like this . ’
27 ‘ Look , ’ said Edwin Pettigrew to Mark , ‘ our Roman Catholic friends are being whisked through all the formalities , and Mark saw that the priests had been gathered into a little group under the leadership of a jolly-looking , curly-haired Irishman with a strong brogue .
28 The huge new stand at the Melbourne Cricket Ground , which is costing $A150 million , is to be known as the Great Southern Stand : the four entrances are being named after former Test captains Sir Donald Bradman and Bill Woodfull. and Australian Rules football legends Dick Reynolds and the Coventry brothers ( Gordon and Syd ) .
29 Ten practices are being examined in this study , and they collectively involve practices with a variety of software programmes on their computer systems as well as practices still utilising traditional manual procedures of control .
30 This means that the benefits of computerization are being delayed in many areas , particularly in personnel .
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