Example sentences of "[be] the [num] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 More reliable by far are the eight states ruled by parties classified by the CPSU as ‘ Vanguard Revolutionary Democratic ’ : Afghanistan , Angola , Benin , Congo , Ethiopia , Kampuchea , Mozambique and Yemen ( Aden ) .
2 We are the two boys shown in the photograph and because of us being the only boys who took part we were saddened to see the caption at the side of the picture .
3 We are the two boys shown in the photograph and because of us being the only boys who took part we were saddened to see the caption at the side of the picture .
4 High capacity and good looks are the two qualities aimed for by Caradon Terrain with its new Torrent uPVC gutter system .
5 What are the two colours used in the Ellesse half tennis ball logo on its clothes and shoes ?
6 Marc Quinn , Mark Wallinger , Sarah Lucas and Rose Finn-Kelsey are the four artists featured in ‘ Young British Artists II ’ at the Saatchi Collection galleries ( until 28 August ) .
7 If Roll and Ross ( 1984 ) are right that there are only four basic economic forces , and that these are the four forces listed in chapter 1 , then estimation of an SBU 's required yield could be attempted by examining the likely sensitivity of the projected SBU returns with just these factors ( inflation , aggregate production , risk premia and the term structure of interest rates ) .
8 Too numerous to list here , since they are the seven titles chosen for W H Smith 's First Novel promotion , about which I an extremely keen .
9 The winners of the £50 Dulux Weathershield vouchers in our October competition are the 50 readers listed below :
10 It is worth knowing that you can run Qbasic from a floppy only system and using earlier version of MS-DOS all you need are the three files listed to be stored on the current drive .
11 But she did have the satisfaction that no sooner were the two decisions taken , than the entire Palais de Congress , housing the summit , the media and several thousand attendants and officials , was plunged into darkness by a five-minute power failure .
12 Finally , there were the eight oboes attached to the musqueteers who , in addition to their military functions , played for court entertainments .
13 The focus of the paper is the 147 cricketers known to have died from unnatural causes ( excluding suicide ) .
14 Given that the men in our sample spend an average of more than 43 hours a week at work ( ie half their waking life ) , it 's hardly surprising that job satisfaction is the one factor mentioned by more than half of them as the most important thing in their lives ( see table , opposite page ) .
15 For four days the slimmer knows that all he or she has consumed at the end of each day is the 1,000 calories contained in the meals .
16 That 's the two pints gone .
17 One of the earliest to be shown was the 1950 film Caged , screened on ITV in 1968 : this featured Hope Emerson as a mannish , sadistic matron in a women 's prison .
18 It was the two shots fired from this hand on that summer morning in the Balkans that ignited the smouldering embers of war in Europe and led to the fire that caused the conflagration that created the holocaust .
19 This was why religion was the one subject required by British law to be taught in schools .
20 He said the key factor was the 1,300 jobs lost by the town since the recession started .
21 Included in the 707/300 series was the 707/400 series fitted with Rolls Royce engines .
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