Example sentences of "[be] the [det] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 Most gardeners are aware of the galaxy of spring-flowering bulbs and corms , but less well-known are the many treasures that can adorn gardens in summer and autumn .
2 The forces that permit , and even promote , smaller corporate entities are the same forces that permit , and even promote , smaller national entities : flexibility , accountability , motivation of the individual , innovation , freer world trade in both the physical and capital markets , and lower thresholds for economies of scale .
3 And you know they ca n't go , this one ca n't go earlier than that one because we 've got the sequence and so if we got through these steps , I think that those steps are the same steps that we go through on any project .
4 Some of them will be the same ones that we 've already done so do n't look at the do n't look at these just try them on your own try and remember how you did them .
5 They were the same officers that had arrested me for the charge I was on .
6 I believe these were the same greenhouses that suffered an attack later by G P Aird AFC when he ejected from Lightning XG332 on September 13 , 1963 following a double reheat fire warning .
7 ( 2 ) Granting the application , that the central objective of the category of public interest immunity involved was the maintenance of an honourable , disciplined , law-abiding and uncorrupt police force ; that therefore , in view of the public disquiet understandably aroused by proven malpractice of some members of the disbanded West Midlands Serious Crime Squad , and of the extensive publicity already attaching to the authority 's documents following B. 's successful appeal , it could not be said that those who had co-operated in the authority 's investigation would regret that co-operation , or that future generations of potential witnesses would withhold it , if the court were to release the documents to the applicants to enable them to defeat if they could an allegedly corrupt claim in damages ; that the imperative public interest in the case was that the applicants had a proper opportunity of obtaining the evidence they sought so that the grave allegations which they made , and were the same allegations that had troubled the Court of Appeal sufficiently to allow B. 's appeal , could be properly tested in the courts ; and that , accordingly , B. 's undertaking would be varied to allow him to hand over to the applicants those of the authority 's documents which were incorporated in his appeal bundle , the applicants for their part undertaking to use those documents only for the purposes of defending the present libel proceedings pursued against them ( post , pp. 927G — 928A , B ) .
8 Well no it 's , it 's the same councillors that 's come to your door that are sitting in on the meeting and saying no , it 's impossible !
9 This was the same youngsters that were playing two years ago .
10 It was the same polls that said Neil Kinnock looked a winner .
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