Example sentences of "[be] the [noun sg] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He was there once more as she turned into the staff car park as again she recalled that ‘ blunt ’ had n't been the word for it !
2 If he had said , ‘ You need me , ’ then that would have been the end for him .
3 It would also be a major knock-back for the scum because , without a doubt , he 's been the difference for them scoring vital goals and setting up others .
4 Nevertheless , there is still a sufficiently good chance that they are the father for them to undertake the major share of parental duties .
5 Hey , Mr Pat Buchanan , you 're the man for me ;
6 Hey , Mr Pat Buchanan , you 're the man for me ;
7 And you 're the man for me .
8 More recently , I graduated , won a place in Cosmopolitan 's New Journalists competition and joined a feature-writing agency in London , The Write Stuff : if anyone wants an interview , I 'm The Chap for you .
9 ‘ But after Liverpool I 'd love to step on stage in London 's West End yeah , now that WILL be the day for me . ’
10 Maybe this would be the turn for him .
11 Moira Charles could never be the girl for me .
12 It seemed unlikely , however , that a more abrasive or divisive programme would be the way for them to recover their position .
13 There is , however , something of a quantitative scale whereby the more important to us a particular belief may be , the more subtle and even ambiguous will be the evidence for it .
14 ‘ I think I will ride pillion on the way out , but I reckon it 'll be the sidecar for me on the way back . ’
15 Easily Accessible : If you are not keen on Shakespeare , Stratford may not be the place for you — nearly everywhere you go you will be reminded that this was his birthplace .
16 I lay down in my boat , sure that when we reached the rough , open water , that would be the end for me .
17 " No , my darling , this has to be the end for us .
18 Alternatively , membership of one of the many different kinds of clubs that exist to suit all interests , or attendance at a Day Centre may be the answer for them , and we shall be examining some of these possibilities in detail later .
19 It could be the answer for them all , just as it could be the answer for Len Seager . ’
20 So unless he is coming to live with you , this will be the time for you to begin to show him how to cope alone .
21 So if your Excel spreadsheet is looking a mite dull , then this could be the package for you .
22 So if you think you 're harder than Scwarzenneger or meaner than Bond this may be the game for you .
23 The diffused light , which we started with at the collective level , has become a powerful current , and we ourselves can be the channel for it .
24 So , if you do n't mind hard work and you think you can get along with sheep , this may be the job for you .
25 So if you 're a fish fancier , a frustrated trout tickler , or just want to try something completely different , this could be the business for you ; provided of course you have at least £280,000 to spare .
26 Mrs Quinton closed her eyes for a moment as if recalling her cousin relating this girl 's history , which had not included the scissors ' business with Sister Mary as being the reason for her leaving because that might have put any caring mother off from engaging such a virago .
27 I knew from the first moment you were the man for her . ’
28 If you 're looking for a state-of-the art power notebook and have deep pockets this is the notepad for you .
29 The more involved that teachers feel , the greater is the tendency for them to understand what is required for the review , to consider the LEA guidelines to be adequate and to recall the review .
30 If you want old-world tradition in an idyllic setting , this is the hotel for you .
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