Example sentences of "[be] [adj -er] [subord] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 As Mead pointed out , the numbers ( estimated at 13,000 ) are lower than at any time since the institute started counting more than 20 years ago , and well below the peak of 15,400 in 1989 .
2 In some parts of the south-east , groundwater levels are lower than at any time since records began 200 years ago , with some boreholes in the Chiltern Hills drying up for the first time since they were sunk last century .
3 BRITAIN 'S shopkeepers are gloomier than at any time since the early 1980s , according to a survey published yesterday .
4 BRITAIN 'S shopkeepers are gloomier than at any time since the early 1980s , according to a survey published yesterday .
5 During this drought the amplitude of this effect has been bigger than at any time since reliable pressure records for the region were first taken 50 years ago .
6 Freed from restrictions about who to lend to or how much to pay to depositors , and freed from the responsibility of supporting their corporate clients through thin times , American and British commercial banks are weaker than at any time in the past 50 years .
7 Stepped wavecut platforms may be formed in horizontal rocks ( Plate 28 ) , but on these the steps are smaller than on those described by Jutson .
8 During the rest of the 1990s the number of youngsters entering the workforce each year will be smaller than at any time since the second world war ; but two-fifths will be from minorities , mostly Hispanics and blacks .
9 He continued : ‘ It is perhaps encouraging that Scotland has suffered less than most regions , however , although the average fraud perpetrated in Scotland tends to be smaller than in some regions , the impact on Scottish businesses can be just as damaging . ’
10 Certainly frequency will be higher than for any but the heaviest TV campaign , but it will hardly be dramatic .
11 The speed of action of any agent may be different : the rate of chemical weathering in the equatorial regions appears to be greater than in any other part of the earth .
12 Differentials do exist between blue- and white-collar workers , but they appear to be narrower than in most Western companies , and they are seen to be justified by different educational qualifications .
13 Latin America 's nutritional levels are higher than in many other parts of the Third world , and yet it is estimated that 15 per cent of the region 's children suffer from medium to high-level malnutrition , which means , given the differences within the region , high levels in some areas ( López Cordovez 1982 ) .
14 The number of inquiries are higher than in any other month since the branch opened in November 1991 .
15 And the reason that rents in Cambridge are higher than in those in surrounding areas , or the eight that the councillor is talking about is because the rent levels which er the government require us to raise to are historically based on right to buy values and as he knows as well as I do , house prices in Cambridge have been relatively consistently higher than they have in surrounding areas .
16 Fish from these waters contain levels of radiation higher than in any other waters , and levels of radiation in the atmosphere around Sellafield are higher than around any other nuclear site .
17 Haslemere were the play-makers in the second half and the score could have been higher but for some excellent goalkeeping by Simon Fish .
18 In 1894 , the year of the reconstituted Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , monthly rates for ABs on steam vessels were lower than at any time since 1888 .
19 For five species ( Song Thrush , Lesser Whitethroat , Willow Warbler , Blue Tit and Reed Bunting ) , numbers were lower than at any time since the surveys started in 1981 .
20 Although the Labour vote was still six million , its numbers were lower than at any time since 1910 .
21 Mercifully , this time casualties were lighter than during that phenomenal event but there were reports of at least three fatalities which were attributed to the storm .
22 And Conquest said that ‘ Grain exports during the early thirties were higher than at any time since the revolution , running around 5 million tons a year in 1930–31 and 1¾ million tons during the famine period of 1932–33 .
23 Moreover , the available data on personal savings show that there has been a rise rather than a fall during the 1970s when taxation rates were higher than at any time before .
24 It shows that the relative risks of mortality for children in social classes IV and V were higher than for those in classes I and II for all age groups , although the difference was not statistically significant at ages 10–15 .
25 Firms ' financing needs are greater than at any time since the 1974 oil shock .
26 The new system definitely means a reduction in employee mobility : appointments and promotions in state stations are frequently politically and ethnically motivated , and the chances of success for local people are greater than for those from other states .
27 Since the similarities between informal sector seasonal workers and formal sector factory workers are greater than between some groups within the informal sector , such as street sellers and seasonal workers , Bromley suggests a continuum of categories as a more useful form of analysis .
28 The number of days lost through strikes is lower than at any time since 1979 , and people ought to know that Labour policies would sweep all that away and bring back the sort of industrial anarchy that existed in 1978-79 .
29 It is therefore not very surprising that rural public transport provision is lower than in many urban areas , where demand will be higher because of lower rates of car ownership .
30 Our present VAT rate , at 15% , is lower than in many countries : As part of a general restructuring , it could rise to 25% , the level that was once adopted as part of a two-tier system .
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