Example sentences of "[be] [Wh adv] it 's [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 • This is how it 's done in England and Wales — not in Scotland .
2 Here 's how it 's done .
3 Recent productions like Ian McNamara 's Letter to Allan Border and Mike Brady 's The Game is Not the Same Without McGilvray slot alongside the revived Our Don Bradman and Our Eleven ( 1930 ) , both sung by Art Leonard , and Bradman 's How It 's Done and ( piano solo ) Our Bungalow of Dreams , components of the precious old 78rpm of 1930 , of which so few copies survive .
4 That 's how it 's turned out , so why not carry it through — form one good mixed practice and later on expand still further ? ’
5 That 's how it 's become .
6 We hope that when you 're at home watching the show it all looks like a relaxed , late evening chat — at least , that 's how it 's meant to come across .
7 That 's how it 's meant to be .
8 It 's how it 's used and what people do to get it that can offend our values .
9 You are stressing now how difficult the whole word is ( photograph ) but how easy it is when it 's broken down ( pho-to-graph ) .
10 It will then go through a container now that container , ultimately , will contain this is why it 's called a container !
11 So smell is very important , erm s and this is why it 's called aromatherapy .
12 Assertion comes into being when you still bring the conversation back this is what I want nothing else will do , and bringing it right the way back all the time to discuss what it is why it 's called a broken record exercise , we 'll give it a quick go now .
13 ‘ This is where it 's determined ; this is where it began ; this is where it will end . ’
14 That 's why it 's called Eusol — E for Edinburgh , U for University and ‘ sol ’ for solution . ’
15 That 's why it 's called a charity school . ’
16 And that 's why it 's called .
17 Philip Bruin-Ridges comedy , ploughed in the adventure of radio hero , Bull Dog Drummund , that 's why it 's called Bull Shot
18 Why did they have pink on it , that 's why it 's called Pink ?
19 That 's why it 's called imperialism .
20 everything , all , mange tout , eat all , that 's why it 's called mange tout cos he eats everything , and mange tout peas are called mange tout cos you eat the pods , twit
21 The Hercules is wherever it 's needed .
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