Example sentences of "[be] [indef pn] that [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 There had been no ceremony about any of it , for ceremony of any kind seemed to be something that they did not embrace .
2 ‘ It 's supposed to be something that you do to try and better yourself .
3 I du n no who , who do I m I do n't know , I d do that to s er see there is somebody that I do that quite a bit to but I ca n't remember who it is or a few people maybe .
4 ‘ For us , ’ explains Derry , ‘ success is something that we do n't want , spiritually , if you like … ’
5 We are talking about a return of local nationalism , which is something that we do not have over here .
6 They were watching , because a machine rolling around by itself is something that you do watch , even if you 've just had to climb a tree or hide behind a hedge .
7 The longer term help is something that I do n't think teachers can do on their own , I do n't think even somebody like a , a specialist school counsellor can do on their own , which is the time at which the availability of agency help needs to be , become apparent .
8 this is one that you did here .
9 The first version there , is one that I did before I even looked at your , at at any of the homeworks , and I got myself into some awkwardness of trying to translate virtues , and ended up with beneficial properties , erm , which is hardly perhaps very idiomatic and the one underneath that is Jemma 's and the absent writer not that she could be embarrassed because she 's not here , erm , and she 's actually simplified more than I have , by half a line , you 'll understand .
10 That 's everything that I done did n't I ?
11 as to which sweets is actually on that week and if it 's one that you do n't really fancy , well I 'm not bothered , I 'm not bothered about the sweets .
12 Do n't worry and always ask me if there 's something that we did last time and I start ta
13 I mean it 's been a helpful conversation , erm you know I 'm not s I you know you persuaded me , rightly or wrongly , that it 's not that much of an issue in in our fellowship , but it 's something that we do always need to be aware of .
14 That 's something that we do have to work on and I ca n't emphasize it too strongly .
15 Can I just say that 's something that we do n't normally do .
16 It 's , for us , it 's something that we do , for God it 's something that he is !
17 Right , erm that 's something that I do n't really think I should erm reply to even though we are aware of the situation and are taking steps to identify the problem and put a stop to it .
18 But to be paid for playing — well , that 's something that I do n't think would be to the overall benefit of the games . ’
19 But , eh listen , if , do n't be frighten if there 's anything that you do n't know do n't you be frightened of asking him how to do it
20 Brian Lane ( schoolteacher ) : ‘ One thing I remember about David was something that he did n't take part in , which was a concert held at the school in aid of a pavilion that was being put up by the parents and teachers , and being paid for by them .
21 It was something that he did regularly , a habit brought on by the onset of old age .
22 To backpedal and tell any part of the truth would be to admit his complicity with the Ashdown girl , which was something that he did n't want to be drawn into ever again .
23 At the time , the idea of a strong exclusive relationship was something that I did not actually want and I do n't think that even consciously at that time , I would have sought to have had that kind of relationship with David who was considerably younger than me and also , even though I was deeply into the whole scene and everything it represented , I do n't think I actually wanted to settle down with somebody who was a musician and was leading that sort of life style .
24 I mean my mood so affected the way the class was but that was something that I did n't think could be helped at all … and the difference was amazing you know , when you 're feeling OK and you 're being relaxed .
25 This was the Luton Post Office murder , and although , in view of my long labours on the Meehan case , I had resolved not to take up any more cases , this was one that I did not see how I could refuse .
26 This was one that I did n't want the maid to know about , so I cleaned it up myself .
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