Example sentences of "[be] [subord] i [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But if I 'm if I act as devil 's advocate , the fact that that inner route would pass through the greenbelt does not necessarily diminish the purpose of the greenbelt .
2 I think that people have got to turn in the other direction , and really want to be because I see in schools there are
3 I said to that bloke today well how , how long am I gon na be before I go to court , he said it could be two years away
4 " But then , what else could I be when I look like a scarecrow and smell like a fox ? "
5 Thank you right now a really clever thing then that you should know about is if I want to times that number by ten right .
6 So if I have associated the right word — say , the word blue — with the right impression — the impression I get when I look at a cornflower — there is no fear of my language not mirroring reality as there is if I talk about fate or fortune , these not being words for simple ideas impressed on my mind by external objects .
7 Well I think that 's cos I lie on me right in bed .
8 The reason I 'd probably go for the estate agency is cos I deal with estate agencies in where I am .
9 This is because I have at last discovered the key to my existence , the meaning of my life .
10 But this er American pilot , Commanding General , stands before this group with a great sense of humility and a , a sense of great honour , recognizing the only reason I 'm here is because I have to be the Commanding General .
11 But I considered myself to be unattractive , and in becoming so thin as to render myself totally undesirable sexually , I was saying , ‘ I may be unattractive , but this is because I choose to be this way . ’
12 Well maybe it 's because I look at it as a school like that 's
13 Cos like , it 's before I go to bed I I sort of get my , my organ out and
14 that 's as I say in the
15 I know how busy they are when I come off the road off a night , and I know busy because they are before I go out on a morning , and erm , it seems like they 're never likely to get stuck from time to time though .
16 The only times I do not want to be a writer are when I want to be a painter , and the only times I want to be a painter are when I am taken by the cast or mobility on a person 's face .
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