Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] me and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want to know what she was like , and I want to clear up some questions which have been puzzling me and which do n't appear on the record . ’
2 ‘ They are slaughtering me and my business , ’ he said last night .
3 It 's bad enough at first but then it gets worse even as they keep me because they found more , they found two more and that was while I was here for Christ 's sake while they held me while things were still happening more stuff came in while they were questioning me and they looked at me with disbelief horror disgust and I was going What ?
4 Erm so I c I could n't buy any of what you were telling me and it 's all like a , it was all a smokescreen I was putting up , the accountant , basically I , I was not erm buying anything er and the compressed funding was just blowing my mind because I could n't understa er it was basically giving me an easy option to say I do n't need to do anything cos I can compress my funding at forty five wo n't I , when my business has taken off .
5 Then I realized most of the visitors and all the residents were watching me and I turned my head from side to side to see why I was getting that uncomfortable my-flies-must-be-open feeling .
6 I sha n't have no qualms about it , I shall say well he 's hassling me and my mother-in-law and we can do without it !
7 We 're trying to raise the question — ‘ who is responsible , who would I sue if all my children died in a camp on the Thai-Kampuchia border , who would be liable for , for those deaths , er If I 'm there totally dependent on food aid , and the international community says it 's feeding me and they 're not ? ’
8 Well he was coaching me and he was very good .
9 As I said , I 'd no idea he was the one who was threatening me and I simply thought I was well shot of him , quite frankly . ’
10 Then he was crushing me and I understood .
11 He , too , was watching me and I shivered .
12 they were saying how spoilt children are today and how , erm I think it was Anne who was telling me and I said it , that is just ridiculous is n't it ? for a four year old to have their own video
13 I remember arguing publicly with one of these French intellectuals who thinks of everything in terms of politics and he was attacking me and I said , ‘ Do you think art reflects reality ?
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