Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] when they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He recognises that they are boasting when they talk .
2 read the following judgment of the court , prepared by Brooke J. In these two cases we have been invited to determine , as preliminary issues , the capacity in which judges of the High Court are acting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court to determine appeals against orders by which barristers are to be disbarred or suspended from practice by their Inns .
3 Yes , I think that the crucial thing that 's emerging , especially from the area of artificial intelligence , is that we 're beginning to understand that what the name of the game is getting people to express their intentions , and for a long time we 've been , as it were , stuck in languages that do n't really help you to do that and we 're really beginning to understand now that erm what people are doing when they program indeed , I mean as it were the ace programmers , are expressing their intention for whatever 's to be done in the task the computer 's to perform clearly .
4 I need interpreters in my surgery who can speak Punjabi , Urdu and Gujarati , otherwise I can not understand fully what my constituents are saying when they have complicated immigration problems .
5 However , now that it is necessary to identify the functions the judges are performing when they sit as visitors in cases which are concerned with the question whether people are fit and proper persons to become or remain barristers , we must for the first time examine their function in that context alone .
6 All I can try to do is to outline what theists have been saying when they talk of God , and to try to offset some popular misconceptions of what they mean .
7 I want to know whether we 're going to be blushing when they put him up in the Foreign Ministry at a press conference and he spills . ’
8 The teacher takes on the role of an alien , who says that the crew of the Starship must be lying when they say their leader is a man .
9 The flowers that I had still been clutching when they carried me back to the house had been prised from my fingers and left in a plastic bag on top of the fridge .
10 Most graduates move away from the town where they 've been studying when they start work , so may be looking to transfer their bank account to a more convenient branch .
11 Unfortunately many modern anthropologists are very vague as to which of these different objections they are making when they object to ‘ evolutionism ’ in general .
12 Outside , the rain which had been falling when they entered the building seemed to have eased .
13 ‘ I do n't think they , or the likes of Norman Mailer and Budd Schulberg ever felt that they were slumming when they wrote for the sports pages , ’ says McIlvanney .
14 My boots and feet were smouldering when they found me .
15 That is the information on which the police were acting when they decided it was reasonable to take this action .
16 I 'm sure Adi Dassler and his brother Rudolph did n't know what they were starting when they began making sports shoes in Germany in the Twenties .
17 But I do n't re think they realize what they were doing when they started making that flower border round , it 's going to be a never ending job .
18 Father-of-two Steve said : ‘ I thought they were joking when they said I was not sufficiently disabled . ’
19 This is the really important information cats are receiving when they approach a meal .
20 It is often this particular language to which academics are referring when they make general claims about the nature of English or of literacy .
21 He said from experience that in using an agency it was extremely difficult to get even a small number of carers , quote , you know who is coming when they arrive through the door , unquote .
22 Even if , for once , the Kings had not been bluffing when they drew up their armies , these men were reluctant to attack each other .
23 Well it was raining when they came .
24 ‘ The only way to find out would be to get the police to check it against the one he was wearing when they found him . ’
25 I 'm wearing a blue prison-issue shirt — open-neck , of course — and the jeans I was wearing when they arrested me .
26 Dawn was breaking when they reached Camborne and Celia stirred a little .
27 Cos , Claire was saying when they went , they went , they 'd been to Wales , France , and Scotland while they 've been here he said , .
28 I was hoping when they got that link road through they might connect up , but I do n't suppose it , sort of roads got ta put parking towards the long piece of
29 Despite the lateness of the hour , the phone was ringing when they got in .
30 ‘ You mean , you think that 's where she was working when they met ? ’
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