Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] for [adj -er] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 After re-uniting Tony Cooper with his Spitfire , the restorers now hope to start working on the wings and are looking for bigger premises to enable this work to take place .
2 Increasingly , employers are looking for higher levels of skills .
3 THE Property Exchange , a new company publishing a national directory of people who want to swap homes rather than sell them ( if the properties have different values , one party pays the other the difference ) says that so far most people are looking for smaller homes .
4 And today forensic teams have been searching for further clues to help catch the killer :
5 Erm it 's to erm reserve er for emergencies , obviously , I , I 'd use a building society or bank , to cover holidays and domestic needs , to set up hobby or retirement applications , so we 'd always say , leave a fair amount in the building society , and the only thing th advice I 'd give you is one , stick to the major societies , and secondly , if you 're looking for larger investments , use a postal account .
6 Overseas visitors are still coming here but they 're staying for shorter periods and spending less money .
7 ‘ You 're playing for higher stakes ? ’
8 In February 1756 reference is made to four illustrations ‘ sent some time since by our friend , Mr. Collinson ’ and Miller said he would have sent others except for the fact that he had been waiting for better colourists .
9 Recent developments indicate more movement towards site-based management as the National Governors ' Association , the National Education Association and the National Association of Secondary School Principals are calling for greater levels of financial devolution to bring about educational improvement .
10 We are prepared to give block funding a try , but we are asking for further changes .
11 A SMALL village business , which is to shortly celebrate its first birthday , has been so successful it could soon be looking for bigger premises .
12 Francis will desperately want to win tomorrow , and now most of the severe injuries are cleared up , he will be looking for better results .
13 They will be looking for smaller classes .
14 Er but for as long as all of us sit here we will always be looking for further improvements .
15 This saves time and money and Robert and his team will be looking for further ways of working with them to streamline the process .
16 It is wrong that people should be able to abuse the social security contribution system , and I hope that Ministers will keep a close eye on the matter because the smart people who offer advice may be looking for further ways of getting around the regulations .
17 Although several hotels undertook regrading programmes , no major work was undertaken in the construction of new resorts as investors appeared to be waiting for further indications of a permanent return to political stability .
18 We should be aiming for higher standards , not encouraging lower ones ’ , said Dr Caldwell .
19 Led by Trude Unruh , 64 , the chair of the Grey Panthers who had been elected to the Bundestag in 1987 on the Greens ' list , the party 's main concerns were to be campaigning for better pensions and for better conditions in nursing homes and countering " ageist " attitudes .
20 The population of this district had not been previously deeply dissatisfied ; but it was natural that they should wish well to people of their own class , supposed to be fighting for higher wages ; and they presently heard with truth that several employers hereabouts had begun to promise higher payments under the dread of seeing the population armed against them . ’
21 Just as generals always seem to be planning for better ways to fight the last war , so the study of international relations has often reflected the concerns of the previous generation .
22 Pink-browns or lightly frosted tones are flattering for older women or anyone with a lined mouth .
23 Conservationists are fighting for tighter controls because new Government figures show that 38,000 acres of open countryside were swallowed up by developers in England , every year , for the 5 years between 1985 and 1990 .
24 Bystanders said police were hunting for further devices , bringing traffic to a standstill as police sealed off the area .
25 Room maids told us guests were asking for lighter duvets , and suggested we improve signs as guests were constantly asking for directions .
26 Founded in 1981 by Beth Grossman and Don Skirving ‘ on a shoestring , a friendly bank manager , and a cold market ’ , the company now employs 24 people , has a projected turnover of £2,75m for the current year to August , and is looking for larger premises to cater for an expanding stockholding .
27 The firm , which will do boards for a whole range of products including computers , telecommunications and satellite receiver and industrial control system products is looking for further partnerships in Taiwan , Japan and the US and is three months away from announcing its next deal .
28 A top level police report on security leaks in Ulster is calling for tighter controls on the handling of intelligence documents .
29 But Ian Shiels , who works in the warehouse and has been responsible for football activity in the past , is aware of this and is hoping for better things to come .
30 She 's hoping for better things this time round .
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