Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] for [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the Versace emporium on London 's Bond Street , customers are clamouring for his suggestive leather look .
2 DEC already has the incomplete version 1 of the OSF operating system out on its MIPS line , and it 's this that customers are using for their own early development work .
3 ‘ Perhaps I am atoning for my misspent youth , ’ he replied amiably .
4 If you are applying for your first provisional licence you must not drive until you get it .
5 When birds are released from cages , they flap and stretch at a very high rate , suggesting that they are compensating for their earlier restriction .
6 I 've been looking for him all afternoon , but he must have been tied up with work .
7 ‘ I 've been looking for you two .
8 ‘ We 've been looking for you these five days , and never a sign .
9 And the team will cry out for joy as well , because we were created for this community , and in a way we have been looking for it all our lives .
10 ‘ But , actually , I am looking for someone younger . ’
11 In addition , tax breaks are promised for enterprises owned by artists ' unions and associations as long as they are operating for their prescribed purpose .
12 Nottinghamshire are looking for their first win in a one-day competition at Trent Bridge this season .
13 Mike McAnenay ( 40min ) and John McQuade ( 86 ) gave Dumbarton their third successive triumph over the bottom club , who are looking for their first home win of the season .
14 His Oxfordshire-based Williams team are looking for their fifth consecutive Grand Prix win … a feat which has never been achieved in the history of the sport .
15 Swindon are looking for their third consecutive win .
16 People are looking for something new , after twenty years of hamburger joints and pizza parlours .
17 Alternatively , if you are looking for something warmer , be it a sunset or a warm interior view , the cream could be a better choice .
18 ‘ People are looking for something different , ’ said Steve , a chiropodist , which seems an ideal profession to be indulging in lots of ballroom dancing , ‘ but it has to be of good quality . ’
19 Your bones , your eyes , your hair , your teeth are all going to be scrutinised by a panel of judges who are looking for your all-round potential , not just an impressive academic display .
20 Now establishment scientists are looking for someone interested in using the achievement in the civil sector .
21 ‘ The apparel industry has been searching for something new for a long time and this is something which will be exciting .
22 Wayne was enchanted to see Hermia and Perdita , and gave the appearance of having been searching for them all day .
23 Later in that passage he wrote : ‘ It was n't until thirty years later when I saw her in another woman [ Elizabeth Taylor ] that I realised I had been searching for her all my life . ’
24 So , whether you 're saving for something special or for a rainy day , you can start earning interest straightaway .
25 One company , TGS Marketing in Omaha , Nebraska , says criminals with longer sentences tend to make more devoted telemarketers — ‘ they 're looking for something stable to hang on to in their lives ’ — and it says it is not against hiring convicted murderers .
26 As Apistos go , it 's one of the easiest and longest lived — an ideal dwarf if you 're looking for something different and beautiful .
27 We 're looking for our average reader
28 Whether you 're looking for your first flat or have finally found the castle of your dreams , The Royal Bank of Scotland has a range of mortgage schemes specially designed to meet your particular needs .
29 When you 're looking for your first home , there are so many things to consider .
30 And they 're looking for your money-raising ideas to top the record £2 million raised in the south last time … and the zanier the ideas the better , say the organisers .
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