Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime he had been pursuing a policy of rationalizing the trade by buying patent and grain distillery businesses that were in difficulty , collaborating closely with the large blending houses .
2 The Soviets are building a total of six such pipelines , each one between 3000 and 4000 km long .
3 The first thing I learnt more or less was thkarni which means — well she said it meant — this white stork we 've been seeing a lot of .
4 The girl had been seeing a lot of another young man , an estate agent called Jose , and that association continued after the marriage — long after !
5 By sending permanent representatives to the courts of Europe the Ottomans would have been accepting a kind of regular and established contact with the west which denied their most deeply held assumptions , which implied an at least partial renunciation of the inherent superiority to the Christian world which they claimed , and which for a surprisingly long time , even after the balance of military strength had turned decisively against them , seemed to almost all of them unnecessary and to promise no real advantage .
6 Somebody 's been eating a lot of those have n't they ?
7 I said somebody 's been eating a lot of those .
8 ‘ We are seeing a pilgrimage of hypocrisy , ’ he said .
9 During the Gulf crisis , we are seeing a comeback of the old colonial ‘ values ’ : the West has a ‘ moral duty ’ to resolve other nations ' problems ; Western ‘ civilisation ’ comes to the rescue of nations incapable of solving their own problems .
10 However , we have to remind ourselves that we are using a byproduct of other wind sports , and hope that , like kite flying , they too prosper !
11 If you are using a lot of roses in your pressed flower pictures , you may find it worthwhile making up a small stock of finished roses in different colours to save time when you are in an inspired mood and want to concentrate on a design rather than the various techniques involved .
12 If you are using a lot of abbreviations in a document keep a note of them beside the keyboard as you can easily produce a lot of nonsense if you accidentally use the wrong abbreviation .
13 When you are using a set of materials in the classroom , the important thing is that it should be the right length :
14 The rest are using a combination of the Visual User Environment window manager from Hewlett-Packard Co — 25% — Visix Software Inc 's Looking Glass — 20% — with the remaining 5% accounted for by the likes of Paris-based Non Standard Logics SA 's Wish and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 's management systems .
15 Woodturning Supplies are a new company who are producing a range of lathe accessories at competitive prices .
16 Roncraft are producing a range of clear and coloured versions , but I suspect that the clear gloss and satin finishes will be of most interest .
17 Even magazine publishers such as the Radio Times are producing a range of cardboard ‘ shelf talkers ’ and ‘ shelf wobblies ’ bearing the name of the magazine , designed to catch the browser 's eye , and guide the hand .
18 Reaktion are producing a paperback of their Mitchell Prize-winning Caspar David Friedrich and the Subject of Landscape by Joseph Leo Koerner ( £17.95 ) while Frances Colpitt 's Minimal Art : the Critical Perspective ( £8.95 ) provides an overview of the most influential movement of the 1960s .
19 There have been the predictable complaints that people increasingly prefer to watch than to play , that we are producing a generation of armchair athletes .
20 Our discussion of these examples suggests that you can use " the " if you have already created a situation where you are naming a group of which the " the " phrase indicates a subgroup .
21 Police are parading a range of race and rally cars in an attempt to make speeding motorists slow down .
22 By reinterpreting these number pairs as points in the plane and connecting them with lines we are drawing a transformation of the original square .
23 While state-owned and foreign businesses have held the centre of the stage for three decades , tens of thousands of informal sector artisans have been producing a range of goods for use in households , agriculture , transport and construction .
24 Well I I think er it 's it 's quite hard to talk about it but er cer I th I think people were grieved that the bonus system that had been going since the quarry was started up again by 's father was gon na be scrapped with really no consultation with the workers if you like , and I think everybody thought that you know we 'd been producing a lot of slate and been paid well for it previously and he should leave well alone .
25 One of the largest Polish communities in Britain has been enjoying a style of dancing seldom seen outside its homeland .
26 We are helping a lot of kids and that makes me feel good . ’
27 We are helping a lot of kids and that makes me feel good . ’
28 I mean that people like , you know , have said that the British secret intelligence have been have been doing now for a quite long time have been waging a sort of undercover war and er I 'm sure some of it 's true
29 Teachers , with a professional nose for the job had been handling a range of social issues , especially under the general heading of PSE ( Personal and Social Education ) .
30 English Heritage are pursuing a programme of general renovation to the entire property .
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