Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] a [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 around the things look , you see if you 're doing a curve he 's got electric drill with a round bobbin in , but mine 's on a shaft , the bit , for when and also , there 's my sander disc .
2 When Aimar v , Viscount of Limoges , suspected that his wife and his uncle Archambaud of Comborn were having an affair he went to war against his uncle and made his first attack without warning .
3 ‘ Bowlers allus goes for the man as is buildin' a ninnins. 'E 's the one they fear .
4 To make matters worse the angler was using a rig he had bought from his local tackle shop .
5 I remembered the sort of questions Father used to ask me when I was reading a book he knew by heart , and greatly loved .
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