Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Not simply because it shows that you are enjoying yourself at that moment but because it actually contributes to your physical and mental health .
2 but , because I 've been knocking it off that bit earlier
3 That 's right , if you 're organizing something like that and thinking about it from now , this is only the first of September , but
4 ‘ Hey , Israel , you 're bugging me with that crying . ’
5 You 're deceiving yourself about that too , of course . ’
6 Let me borrow your coat a minute , I jus , I do n't know if he 'll do it , he usually does it if you 're wearing something like that coat .
7 ‘ I do n't think we 're criticising you for that , ’ put in David .
8 you 're leaving it like that then ?
9 And then the stairs the stairs are facing you like that , so you 've only got about about a metre of in between the bottom of the stairs and your front door and you s just sort of go in through there an and you 're in the living room .
10 ‘ I 've been expecting something like that to happen , ’ she said .
11 If the police had never set up the jewellers shop , they would , in my judgment , have been doing the same thing , though of course they would not have been doing it in that shop , at that time .
12 Hey , when have you been treating yourself to that one then ?
13 I did n't know whether my imagination was leading me astray when you seemed to be implying something like that . ’
14 I 'm recording you on that tape machine I think .
15 And you wo n't be saying anything to that ponce of a boss you 've got , Howard ? ’
16 I 'm doing something in that .
17 I 'm doing them like that .
18 You turned round and said , do it in that one , so I 'm doing it in that one , then you changed to doing it in that one .
19 The reason I 'm asking you about that is erm I had er I had when I had my own business I was approached and we 've got an estate agent in the Hamilton called
20 I believe Mr Wood 'll be asking you about that .
21 ‘ Now look you two , I 'm having none of that in the back of my cab !
22 Come on , I 'm taking you to that little café down the road — what 's it called now ? ’
23 I had been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , he typed , as Harsnet had written .
24 That is why , wrote Harsnet , I have been preparing myself for that moment for a long time , that is why I have cleared the decks and prepared the ground , because unless the decks are cleared and the g round prepared there is little hope of succeeding in what one has planned to do , little hope of achieving anything of lasting value , though lasting is a relative term and so is value and whatever it is one has planned to do is certain to be altered in the process , which does not of course mean , he wrote , that one can start anywhere at any time .
25 ‘ I thought 14 years was a fair spell but I felt a bit sad and it will be hard to let go but I am preparing myself for that .
26 The only problem was the London Paddington to Liverpool train did n't run from the expected start station , it started from Reading instead of from Paddington , so if you were expecting somebody on that train , well they may not have , may not have been on that one if they er were actually starting from Paddington , otherwise no problems on the buses .
27 Even if they are what you think they are , rival agents , how could they have known you were expecting a letter , and how could they have known you were expecting it on that particular night ? ’
28 I were telling you about that sugar place , we 're doing it again .
29 I 've been telling her about that and all .
30 You have been casting them from that very first night when the gods sent you to haunt me ! ’
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