Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [prep] another [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They are looking for another 90 agents nationwide .
2 Erm Steve and Mark and I are definitely interested so that 's three people so we 're looking for another three people to share .
3 If you 're looking for another daisy-flowered perennial to form the perfect contrast with Aster x frikartii ‘ Mönch ’ I could recommend no better plant than Rudbeckia fulgida deamii .
4 let's for the sake of the discussion assume it 's about three hundred a year , then you 're looking at another three thousand nine hundred during the remainder of the plan period .
5 At T G I Friday 's they 're preparing for another busy day 's trading .
6 The group are staying for another 24 hours , during which they 're hoping whatever did go bump in the night will make a return appearance .
7 The administrators Morton Thornton are now planning a complete restructuring of the company they are confident they can turn Carpenter 's around so that it will be trading in another hundred years .
8 We 'll also be looking for another extra meeting probably in the week beginning 24th May — sorry about this , I only found out this afternoon .
9 The main offenders here are non-indigenous natives who have cleared areas ad acres of the best soil , farming it very poorly and working it as though it were a private farm … there is no rotation of crops and no manure applied which means he will soon be looking for another 100 acres of good soil to ruin .
10 Next Sunday we shall be looking at another live education issue .
11 Here a second fleet of transports would be waiting with another 20,000 men , who would assemble and embark at the last moment to secure the maximum surprise .
12 Later skiffle king Lonnie Donegan will be joining in another foot-tapping music and fun Party With The Rovers ( UTV , 10.40pm ) at the Unicorn , while The Rovers will be singing their way round more beautiful parts of the province .
13 Is it really any better to be saying to another religious tradition what John Hick presumably says , namely : ‘ Your God is really my God ’ , than to be saying with Polycarp and the Proconsul : ‘ Your God does n't exist ’ ?
14 Give in to it and he could be coping with another hysterical female .
15 On two occasions we were called into the hospital in the wee small hours , expecting the end — but the dear old rogue had nine lives and , at seventy-nine , he seemed to be negotiating for another two .
16 It was still early ; the tourist train from Cuzco would not be arriving for another two hours .
17 Holywood got through to the final last year so they will be hoping for another good run this year .
18 This approach certainly helps you realize that you are dealing with another fallible human being .
19 It has new modules for Sceptre and Senator ; it is collaborating with another unnamed software house on a broking evaluation product , which is about to be tested .
20 A man who advertised for a woman to live on a desert island with him is looking for another female travelling companion to repeat the trip .
21 So 34-year-old Madonna , who also owns a £1.5 million Hollywood mansion , luxury New York pad and £1 million cabin cruiser , is chucking in another million dollars for a bit of decorating .
22 Anyway here 's hoping for another 3 points tomorrow 2–1 will do nicely ( Shame about Manchester not getting the Olympics : - ) )
23 Fifty ( 2.6% ) patients were poorly motivated and information was lacking for another 60 ( 3.1% ) .
24 A few days later , I was standing in another third world airport .
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