Example sentences of "[be] [det] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They are all out of the top positions .
2 ‘ Hareton , Joseph and Zillah are all out of the house , ’ he said calmly , ‘ so we are quite alone . ’
3 ‘ The other heavy horses are all out on the land , so get to the riverside field as quick as you can , on horse or on foot .
4 They are all out in the street now , in every city in the world , and their eyes follow the rich and plan their revenge .
5 We saw no razorbills , which was a surprise , and the few little auks we saw were all out on the water , but the puffins made up for the loss .
6 As it was , on the fourth day England batted steadily but without much conviction , Steele and Close the top scorers , and were all out on the last morning for 254 , leaving West Indies to make 323 runs in a minimum of 294 minutes .
7 Hawthorn , horse chestnut and cow parsley ( which has one of the most wonderful scents in the world ) were all out at the same time .
8 The place would be in a rush and a turmoil until they were all out in the field and Joe was sure enough of the neighbours who had come to help .
9 It was hushed as a mid-week chapel inside H3 because Carol and her typing tribe were all out in the rain with banners bearing crudely daubed exhortations to the government to raise their pay .
10 The ‘ broth ’ were all out in the park , where they would remain until tea time , and Patsy was over with a boy called Ed , who had befriended Patsy at school .
11 They were all out in the courtyard , and the evening sun was slanting low golden shafts of colour from the west , catching the windows of the ancient palace and turning them to molten copper .
12 The village was decked with flags and flowers , with garlands of leaves between the trees and over the doors of all the cottages , and the villagers were all out in the street , the children playing in their best white frilled dresses and shirts .
13 Garth McGimpsey and Raymond Burns were both out on the Valley today after overnight 75s .
14 What we were told about that your criminal record is that you had convictions for armed robbery and aggravated assault , is that out of the record that you were aware of is that correct ?
15 and the trade union movement , the liberation struggle , when you look at it it gives you great hope in terms of human capacity but they will need other kinds of help in order to reconstruct and let me say this because it is important and I do n't say it with any kind of arrogance we have one kind of miracle occurring in South Africa that people ignore and that is that out of the hell of racism we have produced a leadership which is the strongest leadership in the world against racism .
16 Right that 's that out of the way .
17 That 's that out of the way
18 Well if you 'd have seen that I mean I and she sleeps in the airing cupboard she 's now started to get in there , but she 's half out on the landing .
19 ‘ It 's all out of the goodness of my hard heart , ’ said Joe .
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