Example sentences of "[be] [det] of [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What are some of them though Mum ?
2 I have n't seen you both for such a long time , and you 're both of you just !
3 Are all of them that exotic ? ’
4 The covenant was not just an important past event preserved by tradition but was the theme of what Gunnell calls ‘ a communal drama played out between Yahweh — He who will be there — and His people in time ’ , for in the words of Deuteronomy 5 : 3 , ‘ The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers , but with us , even us , who are all of us here alive this day . ’
5 ‘ So , are all of you here , all of Star Eye ? ’
6 But there are many of you here also because this is start of the evening services for the winter .
7 Advising each and every sheep farmer to join the NSA , and support Welsh Lamb Enterprise , he said : ‘ I know that there are many of you here who have not paid what is due to WLE .
8 there are those of us here today who are happy .
9 well as it is now you , you know , you really do n't wan na be half of them up there and half of them down here on a table .
10 There may be some of you out there saying ‘ What does this boy know ? ’
11 There does n't seem to be much of it about , not even many DFs , so I 've been trying to stock up lately .
12 If they do n't call them all in pretty fast , there 'll be more of them up there .
13 " There 'll be several of them there to-day , " she said .
14 These are for fat people , and there are enough of them about .
15 Are any of them still in management and with whom ?
16 ‘ Why are any of us here ? ’
17 Are any of you still awake ?
18 On Channel 2 , the unctuous host of the Gerry Springer chat show had apparently taken a serious oil overdose as he presided over a freak show of truly terrible cases of giantism and dwarfism by telling his goggle-eyed studio viewers they were each of them there ‘ so that next time we may understand and empathise when we meet a woman 7ft 10ins tall . ’
19 And er I think there were some of them still in use about fifty years after they were made .
20 There were fewer of them now .
21 One question : did she con Lil too , and all the rest of the team , or were all of them in on her little plot ?
22 Why were all of them so interested in why I was there ?
23 No they were , they were all of them there .
24 There were more of them now .
25 Why were any of them here ?
26 Were any of them off their food ? ’
27 Doubt is a state of mind in suspension between faith and unbelief so that it is neither of them wholly and it is each only partly .
28 My point is neither of them even tried .
29 Is some of it still in my head ? ’
30 No it 's all of it even the h and the w I think they might have lost some figures off of it at some time .
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