Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] there [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Again , tiger teeth found in Bornean caves are believed to have been placed there by man and not to indicate the former presence of the animal on that island .
2 They are trapped there by crime , drugs , unemployment and poor education .
3 We have got a growing , ageing population , and that does put further demands on your services , and those are shown there in summary form for the client groups , and there are more details on those when we get to the additions and reductions lists on pages thirteen and fourteen , later .
4 This was probably an exceptional count , as not more than 50–60 have been noted there during estuary counts since 1967 , but gatherings of 60 to 100 are regular now in several places along the coast , for example Bognor pier , and 150 were recorded in the Rye area in the winter of 1972/3 .
5 Milton has suggested then that the extreme diversity of plant foods in tropical forests and the way in which they are distributed there in space and time has been a major selective force in the development of advanced cerebral complexity in certain higher primates .
6 On arrival the cargo could not be discharged there on account of fighting taking place following the overthrow of the Somali Government .
7 THEATREGOERS will be able to assess the potential of the Klondyke Building as a venue for grand opera when four performances of Bernstein 's West Side Story will be performed there by Opera Northern Ireland this week .
8 Will Pearson-Jones is taxation manager at N.K. Jackson & Co in Manchester and can be contacted there for advice .
9 Will a free market economy find a Pareto-efficient allocation on its own , or must it be guided there by government intervention ?
10 Returns will be authorised at Denbigh Road and must be returned there for credit .
11 There was a silence for the first time it occurred to first form that the spider might of been put there on purpose , they looked at one another .
12 The industry which has flourished since Classical times at Torre del Greco south of Naples has developed such expertise that even corals of Japanese origin are imported there for fabrication .
13 FRCN Kaduna 's Hausa current affairs programme Alkawari Kayane had reports directly from its own correspondent in Minna which were carried in the FRCN programme being relayed there by Radio Niger .
14 They were joined there by earl Rivers , who had left the prince at Stony Stratford and ridden north to greet the dukes , having first dispersed his men among neighbouring villages to ensure accommodation near the prince for the new arrivals .
15 They were joined there by earl Rivers , who had left the prince at Stony Stratford and ridden north to greet the dukes , having first dispersed his men among neighbouring villages to ensure accommodation near the prince for the new arrivals .
16 Vast quantities of manuscripts were transported there for safe-keeping and copying .
17 this is gon na be done from the heart , there 's no , nothing being put there in front , because when you see what I 've got and what my branch has achieved working with unemployed people your branch earner and that lady up there , , twenty seven years in this union we started this football team , it was this dream that I had and I come from Salford , which is not far from which is devastated with drugs burnt out cars people robbing each other , and of course , .
18 Up to 1871 palaeontological work was based in London and crates of specimens were sent there for identification .
19 Her excuse for this piece of academic snobbery was that classes were held there in lecture theatres and that the first desk would be too far away from the chalkboard .
20 She 'd been sent there for contempt of court by Essex magistrates when she refused to answer questions about her personal finances in a poll tax case .
21 But there is probably no substance that will make wrinkles disappear permanently and by midlife many of the lines on our faces have been etched there by laughter or frowns over the years .
22 He 's in the past , he thought , the poor devil 's anchored there beyond hope of release .
23 I let Ludo do the Deptford Arms , since I am banned there on account of Vinnie Dirkin .
24 Exhibitions are held there from time to time and there is an art and craft gallery in the old vicarage opposite the church .
25 Markets had been held there from time immemorial , almost certainly from long before a royal grant was obtained in 1245 for an annual four-day fair .
26 I was received there with kindness .
27 He had to report to the headmaster at four o'clock , and was taken there by force by Foggerty who caught him racing for the school gates when the bell went .
28 It 's one of hundreds being put up all over the country and residents say it was put there without planning permission or consultation .
29 In April 1988 he was sent there as leader of a team of 400 construction workers .
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