Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] if you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , Croats from western Hercegovina are insulted if you call them Bosnian .
2 Full structural survey fees are included if you buy through us and detailed advice about the property will be prepared for your solicitor to check .
3 People wo n't do anything they 're told if you get them like this , secret police and a few other little dodgers .
4 The same as when you 're charged you 're asked if you have anything to say reaction only and not hearsay .
5 That 's right , and I think what has been shown if you look at the behaviour of organisations sometimes after a disaster erm those that think in that way actually create even more procedures .
6 ‘ But you , too , are misled if you think we have solved the problem in the ways you say .
7 There 's a bridges are burnt if you like .
8 interest tax relief , it 's M I D A S right , so let's not start talking about the benefit of public sector housing and to show the financial illiteracy of of of what 's actually been proposed if you understand the government regulation about the ring fencing o of of of the housing revenue account and and the way in which housing benefit is now having to be subsidised by those other council house tenants then what 's actually going to happen when your poor people inhabit those houses , those public sector houses and they need the housing benefit that David 's been talking about .
9 You would of been divorced if you 'd been in the middle
10 The information need only be given if you wish .
11 After each game you would be forgiven if you thought they had always won , because , win or lose , their only concern was ‘ who are we playing next ’ ?
12 An order form is enclosed to be completed if you wish to subscribe to this service indicating the regularity with which you would wish to receive it .
13 I would be honoured if you sat a while with us and shared the ch ‘ a . ‘
14 Taste is inborn , little can be learned without it , but everything can be developed if you have it and the discipline to train your eye .
15 There are several routes open to qualified nurses and health visitors , although these will be limited if you wish to remain within one area of clinical practice .
16 An important point to remember , however , is that only a drink that is alcohol-free should be consumed if you wish to avoid alcohol altogether .
17 There are a number of factors to be considered if you wish to get the best from the Switch-Mode Power Supply .
18 It is legally possible to build up to the boundary of your ownership , but there are a number of points which should be considered if you decide to do so .
19 Would your problems be solved if you had a smaller house ?
20 Would your problems be solved if you had a smaller house ?
21 Goat 's milk , which is sometimes used as an alternative to cow 's , is low in folic acid , an important vitamin necessary for proper blood formation , and his vitamin should be added if you use goat 's milk .
22 This is quite an elegant cake on a theme popular with children — other pond life could be included if you wish , such as goldfish or tadpoles .
23 Presumably , she and her husband have a valuable relationship , which would be devastated if you let your feelings get out of hand .
24 Their working lives ( up to about fifteen hours ) can be maximised if you handle them with care , so avoid subjecting them to mechanical shocks when in use ; switch off and allow them to cool before moving them around on the set .
25 Many techniques for stress reduction can be appropriated by the same injunctions to succeed that got you stressed in the first place , and should be discontinued if you spot that they have been subverted in this way ( unless your goal has also changed along the way from stress reduction to record-breaking ) .
26 I sha n't come criticising your healing methods , though I gather that some of them leave much to be desired , so I 'd be obliged if you left well alone in my field . ’
27 Which is why I 'll be obliged if you do n't ask for bread unless you really want it .
28 ‘ We 'd be obliged if you did n't touch it , ’ said Montgomery hastily .
29 " I 'd be obliged if you did n't shout , " Sara said coldly .
30 ‘ Which 'll be flayed if you walk out on us now .
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