Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] if [pers pn] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 It is very important that the water remains in traps — and , in fact , the Building Regulations are contravened if it does n't .
2 I think it 's very undesirable that it should be seen as an issue of women versus men , because the chances of getting anywhere are reduced if it 's set up in that way .
3 No political action may be undertaken if it makes a difference to the likelihood that a person will endorse one conception of the good or another , or to his chances of realizing his conception of the good , unless other actions are undertaken which cancel out such effects .
4 A company can be referred if it supplies more than 25 per cent of the total market .
5 Dessent ( 1987 ) argues that the differentiated curriculum within a school will always be limited if it does not recognise , reward and value diversity among pupils .
6 Its transponder means it can be located if it becomes detached from its lift wire and umbilical .
7 Damage caused to non-business property can be claimed if it exceeds £275 in value .
8 Golf development will not normally be permitted if it causes unacceptable disruption to the public enjoyment of rights of way .
9 An article is more likely to be accepted if it says something new but this might annoy some of his party leaders .
10 The Duchess will be told quite clearly that if news or information gets out publicly in any way she could be fined , for example will be warned that time spent with her children will possibly be curtailed if she does n't tow the line .
11 Even if reasonable steps have been taken to bring the exemption clause to the notice of the buyer , it will not be incorporated if it does not clearly cover the particular transaction in question .
12 Later on each of the souls pouring out of Narnia on Doomsday looks at Aslan as it comes through the Door-way of Death — to be saved if it loves , destroyed if it hates .
13 And his job could be threatened if he fails to convince delegates that Britain 's economic crisis is not his fault .
14 However , it is apparently the practice that if the prisoner inquires in such a case whether the tariff has been set at 20 years , he will be told if it has been set at that period , but not if it has not .
15 There can be no secret about them , for British Telecom says in its instructions , ‘ The customer may be told the hourly charge rate ’ , though whether he will be told if he does not ask is another matter .
16 On the other hand the very nature of the work may be such as to make it quite clear that the duties of the employee to his employer can not properly be performed if he engages in certain activities in his spare time .
17 The LIFESPAN user name should be used if it identifies the individual uniquely .
18 In the simplest form the word will only be verified if it exists in the dictionary .
19 There 's no reason for the door to stay shut for good over that flying incident , but it will only be opened if he wants it enough . ’
20 The government insists that it will only be restarted if it passes stringent safety tests , and that a technical council composed of Russian , American , French and German experts will oversee its operation .
21 The 13-year-old , for instance , is likely to arouse nothing but a smile if he or she worries about acne and its effect on boy-girl relationships ; but alarm may be inspired if he complains of impotence or if she falls in love with a man twice her age .
22 In the industrial context , too , it might be relevant to consider whether your reputation will be damaged if it becomes widely known that you have had your work taken away from you .
23 Similarly , light tries to travel in a straight line , but the curvature of space-time near the sun causes the light from distant stars to be bent if it passes near the sun .
24 Indications are that costs will compare favourably with , for instance , the cost of a bed in a private nursing home ; additional benefits of a local authority specialist unit may be the ability to provide services such as carers ' support , home care , day care , despite staff training to maximise the use of staff and buildings It is always more difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive services but the higher cost of specialist provision may be offset if it has a preventive role in the wider community .
25 The police chief fears that his appointment could be terminated if he carries out policies that impinge directly on the interests of the mayor 's political supporters : electoral considerations and impartial policing thus make awkward bedfellows .
26 A hand began feeling at him in the places he might carry a gun , so Maxim said to Fraulein Winkelmann : ‘ It would be compli-cated if he shoots me .
27 And according to one teacher , who fears she might be victimised if she gives her name , only one of the two teachers taken on at her school for a total of 48 four-year-olds , was actually trained to teach under-fives .
28 Where there is no parent or guardian available , the doctor will be protected if he proceeds to treat .
29 This last exception leads to an absurdity whereby a contract ( say , to install new kitchen units for a cash price of £2,000 payable immediately on completion of the work ) which would otherwise be cancellable , will be excepted if it contains a term that £35 of the price is not payable until , say , six months after completion .
30 The Act does not appear to require the constable to warn the offender that he may be arrested if he fails to desist as required .
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