Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] through [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The paths through the graph are calculated through a process of graph reduction .
2 ‘ But where the delivery has been delayed through the fault of either buyer or seller the goods are at the risk of the party at fault as regards any loss which might not have occurred but for such fault . ’
3 The SGA 1979 , s 20(2) provides that where delivery has been delayed through the fault of one of the parties , the goods are at the risk of that party until delivery .
4 So far 86 women artists have been honoured through the organisation which , in itself , is a wonderful achievement .
5 Piecemeal drainage and reclamation in the Cambridgeshire fens , carried out by Saxon farmers around Wisbech and Elm , have been traced through the detective work of archaeologists , using aerial photography and careful analysis of the evidence on the ground .
6 Locally , they maintain , state intervention is directed towards consumption processes , and policies are developed through a plurality of political struggles .
7 Evidence of skills in coaching , training or education are developed through a mix of work-based activity and personal study .
8 As with other holders of potential power , the strategies open to presidents are limited through a variety of factors — the president is constrained through his formal constitutional powers , the degree of popularity he enjoys and the limitations imposed by relations with other countries , for example .
9 For example if history , geography and religious instruction are examined through a topic based upon the life of St Cedd , Gandhi or King Alfred , or an understanding of the local area developed through a study .
10 ITED has been developed through a number of task groups , utilising the skill and experience of people from all sectors of the Group , and was piloted across a sample of UK businesses in 1991 .
11 How can its innately progressive potentials be contained in a form which has been developed through the operation of the market , and which , in Cutler 's argument , represents a culture completely external to its users , completely hegemonic ( not resistible in present circumstances ) , and having ‘ no need of artistic value … [ having ] become , effectively , an instrument of class oppression ’ ( Cutler 1984 : 291 ) .
12 This is not simply innate or pure ability , but ability which has been developed through the process of the curriculum ; not merely the ‘ good mind ’ but the ‘ trained mind ’ ( See Chapter 4 ) .
13 Many special events are arranged through the year , and a full programme is available at the Centre , or by application by post or telephone .
14 In most cases they are formed through the recombination of silica , alumina and metal cations released during weathering into layered phyllosilicate-type structures ( Fig. 6.13 ) .
15 To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what proportion of secondary school children in Wales are educated through the medium of Welsh .
16 These and other related issues are addressed through a programme of research at different levels of analysis and employing a variety of research methods .
17 In the proposed research the potential contention and ambiguity in British social life which such matters entail are addressed through the study of self-consciously peaceful communities .
18 Now they are scattered through every town and village , families founded on ice cream and fish and chips .
19 Most Croatian Serbs do not live in Krajina but are scattered through the republic .
20 One couple did n't even know that he is their landlord — the flats are let through an estate agent .
21 The end products of the metabolism of carbohydrates , fats or proteins are excreted through the anus or cloaca , or by diffusion through the body wall .
22 Excess electrolytes are excreted through the urine , but it is not wise to overdose them .
23 Also supplied as standard is a nylon webbing harness , and a collection bag for leaves and loose grit etc , which are sucked through the plastic nozzle when in its vacuuming mode .
24 This strategy has been pursued through a number of means there were over 40 Acts of Parliament which changed the finance system culminating in the introduction of the Community Charge .
25 Faust Stossen , their new Squad Sergeant , had once been lasered through the throat and wore a damascened silver voice box in place of his Adam 's Apple .
26 We believe that the heart ‘ remembers ’ that it has been preconditioned through a translocation of PKC from the cytosol into the cell membranes .
27 He had been stabbed through the throat .
28 It would have been unremarkable had this been done through the publication of explanatory leaflets and brochures emanating from the Ministry of Transport .
29 ‘ A workman , who had been injured through the breaking of a defective part in the machine with which he was working , brought an action of damages against his employers , and later convened as second defenders the manufacturers of the machine , who had supplied it to his employers , on averments to the effect that the accident had been caused by the fault of the manufacturers in that they failed to supply his employers with a machine which was safe for use by their servants .
30 Studies of the way in which earthquake waves are transmitted through the Earth have shown that its interior has a concentric structure .
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