Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] back [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The bodies of eight of the nine airmen killed when their Hercules crashed last week have been flown back to RAF Lyneham .
2 THE body of a 53-year-old French Catholic priest who was murdered in Brazil on Christmas Eve has been flown back to France , amid a row between the church and police over the investigation of his death .
3 Yugoslav Macedonians had also been flown back from Athens under a new regulation demanding that they should possess US$1,000 on entry to Greece .
4 In the meantime , F/O Kohn had been flown back by ATA ‘ taxi ’ for another aircraft .
5 The audience of willing females had shouted the answer so loudly that it could probably have been heard back in Monte Samana .
6 It is not clear whether these were part of the advance column who had been marched back from Bleiburg or some of the vast majority of the Croats who had never entered Austria at all .
7 The England one-day expert hit an unbeaten 65 as Lancashire reached only 218 for six off their allotted 55 overs after they had been pegged back by Leicester 's lively attack .
8 Here the reader has once again been won back onto Pip 's side after his care of Magwitch which seems especially significant as upon hearing that he was his true benefactor he loathes the man and tried to distance him from him , physically and socially .
9 Sevens ‘ at risk ’ if Five Nations matches are moved back to April
10 Since the much-welcomed United Agreement , signed in 1987 between Robert Mugabe 's ZANU and Joshua Nkomo 's ZAPU , the atmosphere in hard-pressed Matabeleland has been peaceful , and the South African-backed MNR ( Mozambique National Resistance ) have been pushed back into Mozambique .
11 Normally the ‘ illegals ’ are handed back to China on the border almost daily , but Peking now says it will check each case , a move expected to slow repatriation to a trickle and put further pressure on the Territory 's detention centres , which are already overflowing with Vietnamese boat people .
12 So cars produced in Derby are exported back to Japan , right cos all the , all the er production of that one car , is focused in one plant , why is that the case ?
13 The much-reduced Austrian Third Army , advancing toward the Zlota-Lipa , had been flung back by Brusilov 's more numerous Eighth Army .
14 There , without ceremony and possibility of reprieve , an average of 50 men and women , the day 's catch of illegal immigrants , are bundled back into China .
15 There , without ceremony and possibility of reprieve , an average of 50 men and women , the day 's catch of illegal immigrants , are bundled back into China .
16 ‘ One of the daughters , Fiona , who was always known as ‘ the pretty one ’ , had struck up a great friendship with Mama , who had been invited back to Scotland .
17 By end September 1991 , £165,000 worth of items has been credited back to Merseyside stores .
18 Much of what Gould had collected had been shipped back to London in sealed containers , where it was guarded like Pandora 's box until release to the scientific world on his return .
19 Miss Wharton had already been driven back to Crowhurst Gardens by a WPC , there to be solaced no doubt with tea and sympathy .
20 I 've just been driven back from Covent Garden and I want to get to bed .
21 In 1916 Vanessa had been lured back to Sussex by her sister 's description of Charleston Farmhouse near Firle , and by her prophecy — which Vanessa was to fulfil — ‘ if you get Charleston you 'll end up buying it forever .
22 To crown this important exhibition of French sculpture , Bellanger has come up with something quite exceptional : Clodion 's ‘ Sacrifice à l'amour ’ , originally shown at the 1773 Salon , which only recently surfaced on the international market and has been brought back to France for this occasion .
23 Or had something which had been brought back from Romania in another golf bag been fitted inside it ?
24 General Montgomery , who had been brought back from Italy to take a very prominent part in the ‘ D day ’ operation and the subsequent advance through France , Belgium , Holland and Germany , had been appointed Field Marshall and found himself considered a hero of the people , wherever he went .
25 He declared that he was ‘ a British subject by birth ’ , born at Rutledge Terrace , Galway , a house which his family did not inhabit until some years after William Joyce had been brought back from New York .
26 They also evince an obvious preference for Greek , as against Latin , as an object of study — a preference that can be traced back to Nietzsche 's schooldays , which produced a noteworthy essay on Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex ( 1864 ) .
27 Almost all of the basic principles of his utilitarian programme in relation to the criminal justice system can be traced back to Dei Delitti e delle Pene .
28 But it may cause cancers , but that 's so long in the future that it may never be traced back to Oxford .
29 There is no universal agreement , for example , that the mid-1970s represented a fundamental break in political attitudes — aspects of the ‘ new ’ capitalism coming from the Conservative party in the mid-1970s can be traced back to Churchill 's administration in the early 1950s ( Raban , 1986 ) .
30 It derives , rather , from a picture of the self as fundamentally a unitary , conscious and rational thing , a picture which , in Western philosophy , can be traced back to Descartes .
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