Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] into an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The East Coast of America is dominated by the big cities : Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington all exert such a gravitational pull that the smaller towns are sucked into an orbit of dependency on the nearest city sun .
2 Because they 've been pressured into an opinion on one particular aspect of their letter .
3 On Golden Pond has been made into an Oscar winning film , starring Katherine Hepburn , Henry Fonda and Jane Fonda .
4 In effect , the Grand Canyon has been turned into an irrigation ditch , between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead , the reservoir of Hoover Dam downstream .
5 This is a decently boring contest in which Mr Gould will sensibly make some points of principle and Mr Smith will be elected , but already it has been turned into an eisteddfod of exegesis .
6 The second bedroom had long ago been turned into an office .
7 A disused shop has been turned into an area where shoppers can give any evidence that they might think useful .
8 A taxi brought us to a boarding house she knew , and we 're shown into an apology for a bedroom .
9 A warehouse on the Rotherwas Industrial Estate in Hereford has been transformed into an adventure playground .
10 Suddenly , with little explanation , that had been transformed into an £89,000 loss .
11 Every member of the audience has effectively been transformed into an advertising hoarding .
12 Through Scripture , formal teaching , exploration , investigation and other appropriate educational techniques , the children are drawn into an understanding of the Church , its authority , its sacramental life , its liturgy and morality .
13 If the USA and the USSR are locked into an arms race , this is a fact of Realpolitik , not of Game Theory .
14 She thinks photography has been driven into an isolationist role : how right she is .
15 We do n't want to be cajoled into an arrangement at Ingleston , which is just a political convenience .
16 In the case of a personnel file , the list is likely to be sorted into an order that depends on some major key — in this case , usually alphabetic order or personnel number .
17 It will then be transferred into an interest bearing account in the names of your personal representatives .
18 These exercises can easily be incorporated into an exercise routine , with each exercise repeated a number of times .
19 2 How could these changes be incorporated into an exercise for students ?
20 How could these changes be incorporated into an exercise for students ?
21 They will be incorporated into an exposure draft on off balance sheet finance , which the ASB plans to issue in the near future .
22 ‘ The whole of the west wing , ’ he was saying , ‘ will be turned into an art and design complex , while we are starting an appeal for the boat-house !
23 Although this group is inert , it could be turned into an hydroxyl group at a later stage .
24 And when your kids are older , your home will be turned into an assault course — beds become trampolines , bookcases are ideal for mountain-climbing and stairs are made for jumping down .
25 An appointment of fairly uncertain prospects could be described in such glowing terms that a possibility of prosperity could be turned into an appearance of certain advancement to high rank .
26 It may now be turned into an arts centre
27 It is a sequel to The Barber of Seville by the same author ( later to be turned into an opera by Rossini ) .
28 This importance was partly strategic : by walling off the Isthmus ( land narrows ) of Corinth , as was done in the Persian Wars and again in the hellenistic period , the Peloponnese could be turned into an island , or a tortoise with its head tucked in , as the Roman commander Flamininus put it .
29 The Monograph Index will be scanned into an ASCII file during 1993 , for conversion into a format compatible with Soutron Library System .
30 The new French Agriculture and Forestry Minister , Louis Mermaz , said that France would not be pushed into an accord even if it meant extending the December deadline for completing the GATT talks .
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