Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] and [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Preamble to the new recommendations acknowledged the changes : " Some important gaps in knowledge have been filled and new issues have emerged to challenge the international community .
2 Learn to adjust your priorities as earlier assignments are completed and new ones taken on .
3 But federal involvement in the case has been limited and little action appears to have been taken .
4 The effects of this pressure have emerged in at least one Modular Course evaluation study ( see Table 6.2 , Modular Course Management Structures ) , and a determined attempt has been made to configure the management system in such a way that Field Chairs participate in all Course development decisions , so that special needs are recognized and special difficulties can not be easily ignored .
5 Places on the courses are limited and advance booking is essential .
6 Nursing students are at risk of enforced reduction in their clinical contact and theoretical integration unless roles are examined and restorative measures taken to redress any imbalances found .
7 During the Inverness conference , the party 's neo-nationalist element had been marginalised and cross-party discussions on joint anti-Government campaigning put in cold storage .
8 Every day bank deposits are withdrawn and fresh deposits made so that at the end of each day liquidity for each bank will be different from that at the beginning .
9 An example of this type of program is DEWDROP2 which allows pupils to examine how clouds are formed and different levels in temperature and height of clouds can be input by the teacher or pupils .
10 In the last 18 months a company has been formed and charitable status obtained .
11 Howard Cooke , the current President of the Senate and a veteran politician of the People 's National Party ( PNP ) , was chosen by the government in late July to be the next Governor General ; the opposition Jamaica Labour Party ( JLP ) stated that it should have been consulted and expressed disappointment with the choice .
12 Initial reports have now been received and detailed consideration will now continue .
13 The criteria for diagnosing a urinary tract infection on a midstream urine specimen in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients have been revised and new recommendations published .
14 Stays and patch screws have been checked and defective examples replaced , new wash out plugs have been tapped and fitted and the fire-box tapped out to welcome this flue .
15 This is a useful mechanism which allows the agreement to be easily updated by replacing schedules as old products are dropped and new ones added .
16 Teacher training places have been slashed and in-service plans postponed .
17 The two trains planned for December have been cancelled and alternative dates have been , or are to be , offered .
18 Frequent inspections are recommended and advance warning is preferable .
19 When the site is accessible , deliveries are organised and Open Christmas food co-ordinator Paul Thomas and his team assess the quantities available and how much is needed to supplement any shortfall .
20 When gall stones have been dissolved and oral bile acid treatment is withdrawn , bile reverts to being supersaturated with cholesterol over one to four weeks and in some patients , gall stones recur .
21 The accident had , after all , been contained and little radiation had escaped .
22 Old engineering plants have been repaired and new ones built .
23 What would 've happened if absolute egalitarianism had been pursued and absolute egalitarianism had worked and there was enough land for everybody to come up to a middle peasant status and you 'd created an absolutely e equal society ?
24 We could describe them partly in terms of stress ( by saying , for example , that strong syllables are stressed and weak syllables unstressed ) , but until we describe what ‘ stress ’ means such a description would not be very useful .
25 A series of weekly car boot sales — starting on March 28 — at the brigade 's Barrack Lane site have been organised and other events are planned .
26 East Germans find consensus only in boredom : Edward Steen , in East Berlin for the 40th anniversary celebrations , reflects on how illusions have been shattered and triumphal propaganda now has a hollow ring
27 Those radicals ( among whom Gaitskell was , oddly , not numbered ) who wanted to abolish the public schools , or amalgamate them somehow into the maintained system , persuaded themselves for a time that if this were done , and if everyone had a chance to take the 11 + and compete for a place at a grammar school , then justice would have been done and educational standards would be secure .
28 Are regulated and unregulated firms likely to be equally efficient ?
29 Since then a sound cabin has been built and technical training undertaken to maximise the effectiveness of the broadcasts .
30 EMERGENCY telephones have been vandalised and automatic barriers damaged at a level crossing at Moira railway station , police said today .
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