Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj -er] year " in BNC.

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1 For the first time the survey , which covered 1,160,000 sq km ( i.e. two-thirds of the entire forest area in Europe ) included data on forest damage in the western part of the Soviet Union ( i.e. Byelorussia , the Kaliningrad region and Ukraine ) in addition to Estonia and Lithuania which had been included in earlier years .
2 This policy posed a general problem for the National WEA , which lacked a clear view on its partnership with other providers , and was an especially acute one for the District where important concessions had been made in earlier years to the Cambridge Board .
3 The school is the springboard for sport and , even if commitments are made in later years , early involvement and subsequent progress are important in launching an interest .
4 Only where industries used coal directly , like the forges of Sheffield , were towns yet blackened and the air poisoned ; and only where they produced ‘ waste ’ in great quantities , such as in coal-mining , glassworks and chemicals , was the landscape beginning to acquire that sterile covering of ‘ tips ’ , that were destined to go on piling up until they produced a mountain landscape in miniature ; until the vast range of coal-tips around the old town of Wigan , for example , could be sardonically nicknamed the Wigan Alps and be illustrated in later years under that name on picture postcards .
5 There had to be a clear decision about how to compile the relevant information and evidence and how to select certain areas for audit while others were postponed until later years .
6 Reformers often worked through sympathetic religious networks in the localities , the names of members of which were known from earlier years ; more important , petitions came increasingly from congregations and denominational organisations of an aroused dissent .
7 Meanwhile , Mr Wilson 's anonymous advisory committee was forced to accept many applications from little-known galleries that would have been rejected in earlier years .
8 More specialised work is tackled in later years .
9 Once again , Arthurian legend underlay the idea of the Order , but the adoption of the garter as its symbol was said in later years to have occurred when , at a ball at Calais in 1348 , the Countess of Salisbury dropped her garter and the king , who was rumoured to have been in love with her , picked it up and in the face of derisive cries from the onlookers put it on his own knee with the remark , ‘ Honi soit qui mal y pense ’ — shame upon him who thinks ill of it .
10 This goal was achieved in later years and was to prove invaluable .
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