Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Knowing how these processes are organized will help us develop better computer systems for object naming , in addition to helping us understand how object naming develops in children , and how it can break down after brain damage .
2 I am confident that what has been agreed will enable us to achieve that without spending any cash over and above that already in our normal annual budget over the next two years . ’
3 Her known associates are all deceased , although a sighting which has not been discounted would put her in the company earlier this year of Hawk-That-Settles , a Navaho medicine man and dealer in controlled substances .
4 Drinking water in which jade has been soaked will strengthen your body .
5 Will the Government intervene to ensure that any pensioners who are affected will have their pension rights secured by her Majesty 's Government in the event of a collapse of a commercial company or the new pension scheme ?
6 First , an investor who holds a long position in shares which are overpriced can sell them and buy the relatively underpriced index future ( a swap or stock replacement ) .
7 Clothes and personal effects may only be seized if the custody officer : ( a ) believes that the person from whom they are seized may use them : ( i ) to cause physical injury to himself or another ; ( ii ) to damage property ; ( iii ) to interfere with evidence ; ( iv ) to assist him to escape ; or ( b ) has reasonable grounds for believing that they may be evidence relating to an offence .
8 But he added : ‘ Displaying banners calling for the manager to be sacked will do nobody any good , and it is best that we all sit down and talk things over . ’
9 A full supporting line up will be announced shortly and any local bands wishing to be considered can contact me .
10 If the Constitutional Code has revealed Bentham as an important theorist of representative democracy , the volumes to be edited will establish him as a major theorist of constitutional government generally .
11 Where by the order a party is first ordered to do the act , and there is then added a clause in the order that in default of so doing specific consequences will follow , the part that directs the act to be done must use one or other of the above forms of wording .
12 He says that anyone who wants to be noticed could drive it .
13 A piece to be presented should have something more than a surface narrative quality in the characterisation .
14 Discussion about how each subject is to be covered will identify who is needed to do the teaching .
15 ‘ And then , ’ he added , whispering and grinning , ‘ if that ever was to happen — which it wo n't — the birds that have never been caged would kill 'em . ’
16 This paper is intended to examine how changing the way branches are run could enable us to get more members involved and expand the work done .
17 The way they are phrased may make it hard for us to understand their origin .
18 The mythical story of Cassandra functions as an allegory for the fate of alternative forms of language use ; truthful but ‘ unheeded and unhinged ’ ( 12,144 ) , the figure of Cassandra is an example of the extreme to which women 's frustration at not being heard can push them .
19 Simply to observe that a job is running late and the profit margin is being squeezed will achieve nothing .
20 Their participation hinged on a variety of factors such as personal situation at the time of receiving the response sheet ; feelings of obligation towards the two agencies involved in the sampling ; perception that being interviewed might help them in the future ; boredom with prison life ; and simple curiosity .
21 In an attempt to reduce the death toll , one police force has launched a campaign to get a simple message across to cyclists — that being seen could save them from being killed .
22 It also said that solicitors employed by large companies should not be allowed to appear in higher courts because the fact that they were employed might stop them from showing impartiality and detachment .
23 Using a medium tension and hanging a weight on the scarf as it is being knitted will make it curl more easily .
24 The very fact that subjects know that they are being observed may change their responses .
25 The system being constructed will require its own operating instructions , maintenance procedures and perhaps safety regulations .
26 Instances of how some of these registers were destroyed may give us a pointer to the fate of our own ; in some cases rats and mice destroyed them , other instances of fire , damp , silver fish , some being stolen and a case where one vicar used the sheets to baste his goose .
27 This similarity in the way DOS commands and programs are invoked can lead you to question if there is much functional difference between a DOS command and a program .
28 I think that the genetic er , testing that was , that is now law , has to go a long way towards finding criminals , who once they 've been tested will find it very difficult to commit crime again , because they 're on record , and they 'll be on computer record .
29 What is offered may owe something to Brentano 's familiar characterization of consciousness .
30 The district court of the district in which a person resides or is found may order him to give his testimony or statement or to produce a document or other thing for use in a proceeding in a foreign or international tribunal .
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