Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] over [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dashing new treatments of the Savoy operas have been cheered all over Britain , and the company 's current tour has seen an even greater departure from tradition .
2 What was not understood was that when you sweep away a feudal society , you do not overnight change the institutions or the casts of thought that have been built up over centuries .
3 The men , all of whom had been captured after having been shot down over enemy territory , gave their names , sent greetings to their families and made statements critical of the war .
4 Answer guide : Answers should show an understanding that assets are used up over time and that this fact is not reflected merely by stating an asset at cost .
5 Gutted raw fish are smoked slowly over wood chips and it is generally agreed that oak gives the best flavour , although other woods are preferred in some part of the world .
6 These are found generally over England in the Middle Ages , although surviving examples are now found only in Wales and the West Country .
7 It 's high quality stuff and his salami and his wild boar sausages are known all over Tuscany .
8 The motor of this growth has been the rapid spread of corporate computerization ( and also personal computers among the better off ) and personal receivers , the relative prices of which have been reduced substantially over time .
9 Outstanding incompatibilities not resolved by the ABI — and there is little doubt that different look and feels will still prevail — are to be addressed by a streamlined porting environment that can be whittled down over time as more features are incorporated into the ABI .
10 A sigh of relief could be heard all over Scotland .
11 ‘ We can be heard all over Donegal and Northern Ireland , and now we 're getting fan letters from the west coast of Scotland .
12 Parts of the outside walls curved in and out like waves of stone , altar and stained-glass windows were awe-inspiring in gold and blue , and the chimes from the clock could be heard all over town , even in my stationside boarding house .
13 The US European Command in Frankfurt said tests had shown that the new rations , falling slowly because of air pockets in the packaging , would not kill people on the ground and could be dropped directly over towns rather than nearby .
14 Inexpensive cottons can be hung from rods or poles and left to hang free at the bottom , although they should be caught back over doors and windows with tie-backs .
15 Tower mills can be seen all over Britain , but south-east England houses more wooden smock mills .
16 A lovely villa , set in beautiful gardens amidst vineyards it was once the home of the della Robbias , the family of renaissance artists , famous for their glazed ‘ terracotta ’ work , and whose masterpieces are to be admired all over Florence 's churches and galleries — most notably the lovely cherubs which grace the foundling hospital in Piazza della Santissima Annunziata .
17 It supports the principle of increasing energy prices so that consumers pay the full environmental cost of the resources they use , although it acknowledges that increases would have to be phased in over time , preferably in line with international agreements .
18 Multiple grief can , it seems , be experienced either over ti me or over events .
19 Faith in the City ( Commission on Urban Priority Areas , 1984 ) is the most recent study to remind us that for the non-London conurbations , the grimmest social conditions may be found on over spill local authority ‘ outer estates ’ ( Centre for Environmental Studies , 1983 ) .
20 Gudok pointed out that such an exploit could not be repeated all over Russia , so staff on individual railway lines would have to keep their eyes skinned for military or criminal activity .
21 200 walks organised by The Ramblers ' Association to be held all over England , Scotland and Wales .
22 Almost concurrently , a report came from Bombay that the Odonata had been observed all over India , feeding on the corpses of Parsis .
23 Left-hand gloves are folded neatly over hip pockets , every stricken shot is preceded by at least three practice swings , and plumb bobbing is done on most greens , although , were the players challenged , most would be unable to explain why they were dangling their putter between thumb and index finger , and closing one eye , usually the wrong one .
24 Vaulting was being developed all over Europe by the later eleventh century , but in Italy the wooden roof and/or the domical covering were the usual method .
25 Many windows were shattered all over Edinburgh , including many at Donaldson 's — its most grievous loss was perhaps the oriel window in the chapel famed in Scotland as one of its earliest figure-stained windows .
26 Not that he could have avoided his post-breakfast greeting — they were daubed all over South Africa 's team bus , parked far too handily outside their Leicester hotel .
27 By the middle of the century chamber cantatas were being written all over Italy ; the composers were as numerous as the madrigalists of the previous century .
28 He was to become a leading exponent of night intruding later in the war , bringing his personal score to 162 before being shot down over France by Flak , and dying of his injuries from the crash which followed , in July 1943 .
29 Bryn Weare was sheltered by the Belgian underground after being shot down over Germany .
30 After 1313 all works produced by Parisian goldsmiths and enamellers bore a hallmark depicting a fleur-de-lis within a lozenge and these objects were disseminated all over Europe , not least to England .
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