Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] from [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Scientists stress they 've used a harmless form of plutonium , which has been flown in from Russia .
2 Scientists stress they 've used a harmless form of plutonium , which has been flown in from Russia .
3 With al-Kassar 's blessing , he met the Magharians in Bern and Zurich to set up accounts for his family , each meeting taped and monitored by Coleman 's assistant Syrian George , who had been flown in from Cyprus for this purpose .
4 Yugoslav Macedonians had also been flown back from Athens under a new regulation demanding that they should possess US$1,000 on entry to Greece .
5 The Malone Masters will span four days , two of them Pro-Am days , and has been pencilled in from Thursday to Sunday , August 12–15 .
6 It is not clear whether these were part of the advance column who had been marched back from Bleiburg or some of the vast majority of the Croats who had never entered Austria at all .
7 In the opposite direction trains are booked away from Stratford-upon-Avon at to arrive at Hall Green at hours .
8 I learned that the rivers of the area are frozen up from January to April when the temperature sinks to minus 10°F , although the summer temperature while we were in Irkutsk was a ‘ sweltering ’ 65°F !
9 Less than 10 per cent of the housing stock in rural England and Wales consisted of council houses , despite all the attempts at pump-priming which had been carried out from Whitehall .
10 The residence of the Metropolitan had been transferred here from Vladimir and Ivan III ( the Great ) , 1462 — 1505 , had the wooden buildings of the Kremlin largely rebuilt in more durable materials .
11 He said he was from the Harrow Road Station but had only recently been transferred there from West End Central .
12 They are turned away from River Point and Centre Point — by 7 pm or 8 pm , they are closed or full up .
13 But the Lady Prioress had maintained that de Craon had been turned away from Godstowe .
14 The clock and barometer have been handed on from Kevin 's father 's yacht
15 The self-destructive streak in Scottish football is a legacy that has been handed down from Hughie Gallacher in the '20s to Mo Johnston in the present day , but it finds its most bloated expression in Slim Jim , a player whose massive reputation was built on his slender athletic frame but whose downfall has been a rake 's progress of late nights , seedy bars and relentless beer bellies .
16 The places inhabited by these characters are drawn directly from Edward 's first-hand observations around Wandsworth , and on holidays spent in Wiltshire and West Wales .
17 Reinforcements had been called in from Ziguinchor , the provincial capital , and an army search operation was reported throughout the province in the succeeding days .
18 It was a relief to get a flight the next morning , yet I felt I 'd been dragged away from Dominica : I had not explored its dangerous magic as I ought to have done .
19 I 've just been driven back from Covent Garden and I want to get to bed .
20 There is no reference in the report to Offa 's undertaking to Theophylact and George to send money every year to Rome for the support of the poor and provision of lights , the details of which are known only from Pope Leo 's letter to Coenwulf in 798 .
21 Francis Mangon , an inventive lighting designer , had been brought over from America to be in charge of productions for the Plaza company .
22 They have been brought up from Derby and are expected to be used on forthcoming charter excursions , possibly over the Settle-Carlisle line .
23 The apse is widely believed to represent the peak of Gothic architecture in Italy and was completed at a time when many of the architects working on the project had been brought in from Germany .
24 Finland 's principal breed since 1960 , originally derived from 1,600 Ayrshire cattle imported direct from Scotland between 1847 and 1923 , since when importations have ceased , though some semen has been brought in from Britain , the USA and Norway in recent years .
25 If the case is serious , the injured soldier will be rushed back to the Mash unit in the Vitez school , where gallons of blood have been brought in from Britain .
26 It 's not tablets of stone which have been brought down from Mount Sinai forever to remain unalterable .
27 Or had something which had been brought back from Romania in another golf bag been fitted inside it ?
28 General Montgomery , who had been brought back from Italy to take a very prominent part in the ‘ D day ’ operation and the subsequent advance through France , Belgium , Holland and Germany , had been appointed Field Marshall and found himself considered a hero of the people , wherever he went .
29 He declared that he was ‘ a British subject by birth ’ , born at Rutledge Terrace , Galway , a house which his family did not inhabit until some years after William Joyce had been brought back from New York .
30 Hungary 's Prime Minister , Miklós Németh , told parliament on Jan. 23 that in recent conversations with his Soviet counterpart , Nikolai Ryzhkov , it had been agreed in principle that Soviet troops could be withdrawn completely from Hungary , and that negotiations on a timetable would begin shortly .
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