Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] work [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The same holds true of the new wave of talent highlighted here , though one or two are committed to working with building-based companies .
2 Since his release a year ago , he has been prevented from working as a journalist .
3 He had been criticized for failing to do enough to prevent a spate of serious attacks on foreign workers and asylum-seekers in the state , and had also been accused of working for the Stasi .
4 So while interpreters working from spoken English to sign language are called upon to work for nothing as a service to these normal , intelligent ‘ disabled ’ people , those in the foreign spoken language interpretive role , where language users are equal , may rise to occupy one of the highest status roles in diplomacy , and correspondingly command high financial rewards .
5 Many AIDS organisations have workers who are experienced in working with drug issues as well as HIV .
6 However , it agreed to a demand that Gdlyan and Ivanov be dismissed from working in the Procuracy , and in a resolution it warned them that their parliamentary immunity from prosecution could yet be withdrawn if they persisted in making " groundless " statements attacking the country 's leaders .
7 That up to the time in Edinburgh , the Monotype machines have been largely , if not chiefly , operated by women , and that women have proved themselves entirely competent to work these machines , so that it seems a great hardship that women should be debarred from working at them in future .
8 Ideologically you may be committed to working for the NHS .
9 While most of what follows with regard to consultation skills will also be relevant for working with individual teachers , the focus will be on group consultation ; not merely , however , as a numerically economic approach , but as one that can show how personal resources can be maximised through working in groups with colleagues , using skills which are also relevant to the group members as teachers .
10 Edis 's pictures — and that world — can be seen in Working of Victory : Images of Women in the First World War .
11 While an experienced teacher might start by working with the whole class , drawing the more reluctant children into the drama through the excitement of the drama itself , full of dramatic tension , rich in imagery , there 's much to be said for working in the classroom with small groups .
12 Later cases have also insisted that if an employee is to be prevented from working in that area in which he has gained great expertise then the covenant is unlikely to be upheld .
13 But she had a stroke of good fortune when she inherited Penelope Beaton as her art teacher , a woman who laid aside ‘ the nice tidy little shell paintings ’ favoured by her predecessor in favour of teaching her class the pleasures to be had from working with the wonders of unpredictable watercolour .
14 But in years 4 and 5 , the years that in other schools would be devoted to working for the GCSE with continuously assessed course-work , and when the TVEI scheme would also be introduced , we are told nothing whatever about examinations , only that the pupils will not have a wide choice of subjects .
15 On my return to Burma in November 1945 I was Archdeacon of Rangoon , but it soon became clear that my main attention would have to be devoted to working for understanding and peace .
16 JACQUES DELORS , President of the European Commission , told West Germany that its hopes for reunification would best be served by working for a more federal Community , implying that this might one day embrace East Germany .
17 1760 " The Meeting Appoints that Six days in harvest be Imployed in Working on the Roads of Islay , …
18 1760 " The Meeting Appoints that Six days in harvest be Imployed in Working on the Roads of Islay , …
19 However , the structure and design of houses are very important , and if feminists do not argue for better standards , women will be subjected to working in rotten conditions , bearing the brunt of the cuts in housing expenditure , greater costs of heating , more accidents in the home and endless other problems .
20 Such data are usually extensive and a good deal of compression can be achieved by working in fixed format mode where each item of data for a sample unit occupies its own particular field ( position ) in the line being typed .
21 He was the fourth employee of Magherafelt construction company Henry Brothers to be murdered for working on security force contracts since 1988 .
22 COUNCILLORS have decided a city painting firm should be banned from working for the district for two years because their work has not come up to scratch .
23 The second feature of this modest success is that differences of opinion about tactics and ecology have , generally , been submerged in working towards clearly identified goals which have always been attached to a limited and defined time frame .
24 Pat Black , Cumbria 's director of education , warns : ‘ We are forced into working outside statutory regulations . ’
25 One of the first duties undertaken by Kajiyama was to observe a police operation in one of Tokyo 's most notorious areas of prostitution , on Sept. 20 , which resulted in the arrest of 45 foreign women who were accused of working as prostitutes .
26 Staff from both companies were roped into working as a team .
27 The educational psychologist listened tolerantly to Mrs Singh 's comments , did not respond to them but simply repeated that Balbinder needed to be with teachers who were experienced in working with small groups .
28 An earlier report in September 1988 had claimed that over 1,000 Indians and peasants had been killed in land disputes since 1980 at the instigation of landowners , with official collusion , and that priests , nuns , church workers , lawyers and trade unionists had also been killed for working on their behalf .
29 SCOTVEC is committed to working in partnership with centres and to devolving responsibility to those centre which are willing and able to accept it .
30 The awful prospect of dropping a priceless Ming vase , everyone 's idea of a nightmare , is minimised by working in pairs , with one person observing the necessary details from a safe distance and the other handling the object .
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