Example sentences of "[be] [adv] give [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You are usually given problems in advance , and will be asked to give your solutions and how you arrived at them .
2 By the way , I am so very pleased that you are still giving patterns in your magazine for the ordinary standard punchcard knitting machine and not giving way entirely to the electronic .
3 What would happen to the elderly and the disabled who are invariably given appointments at off-peak times ?
4 Before the Data Protection Act , Victim Support groups were automatically given details of crimes .
5 Undergraduates were also given groups of consonants and asked to recall as many as possible in their correct position after various time delays .
6 In Reims during the early sixteenth century , visiting heads of state were often given wines of various growths from the Montagne de Reims and the Vallée de la Marne to compare with wines from the king 's own vineyards at Aÿ .
7 Courses were necessary for mainstream teachers , including headteachers , to help them cater for the multilingual population of their schools , and Heads of Modern Languages , who were often given responsibilities for South Asian languages despite the current limitations of their professional competence to foreign European languages , were a prime target for reorientation courses .
8 The sixteen pupils scored significantly higher on all scales than their peers , and indeed all were subsequently given diagnoses of PTSD .
9 It does it does n't really matter erm there 's only Give reasons for this choice .
10 On page 23 too there is a picture of Carol McMahon who is generously giving hours of her time patiently illuminating a new Book of Remembrance for Eccleston Square .
11 It was evident that in neither the ECSC nor EDC could the supranational agencies have powers commensurate with their responsibilities : the ECSC was already giving indications of the resilience of national governments .
12 She was always giving orders to Kamala , who had to obey .
13 In 1330 his grandson Edward III continued the practice of his forbears and was still giving alms to Fontevrault , the mausoleum of the Angevin dynasty .
14 Lanfranc himself was only partly converted , and , even in his last days , he was still giving quantities of the bodies of his predecessors , which had filled the old church before the fire of 1067 , to his new foundation of canons outside the walls of the city .
15 Dr Jaffery was still giving lectures at the college , Fardine said .
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