Example sentences of "[be] [adv] give [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's true that guarantees are normally given by the manufacturer , but it 's also worth noting that he does n't have to give one .
2 Because there 's a constant risk of chest infection , antibiotics are usually given at the first sign of a temperature .
3 The remedies are prescribed on the basis of the symptoms and signs experienced by the patient and are usually given in the form of homoeopathic potencies .
4 For the simplest possible case , where the rotation constants are the same in the lower and upper vibrational states , the corresponding patterns of rotation fine-structure lines are also given in the Table .
5 A number of reasons are often given for the origin and growth of the Euromarket , they include the following :
6 Family-trees ( genealogies ) similar to this one are often given in the Bible attesting a line of descent .
7 Perhaps some consideration might be additionally given to the current situation regarding the lack of protection for the current situation regarding the lack of protection for the interiors of unlisted buildings within conservation areas … ’
8 Company rules stated that , before a person could be dismissed for misconduct , two previous warning notes had to be formally given to the offender , placing on record the gravity of the offence .
9 They found that the ratio derived from transient or dynamic measurements or from viscosity measurements could be accurately given by the relation If Ts is given the value Tg then Cl and C2 become
10 This permission has been readily given in the past .
11 Brief summaries are then given of the relevant programme of study to be followed by pupils in the age groups 5 to 7 , 7 to 11 , 11 to 14 and 14 to 16 .
12 It is quite obvious now that if there was more to Monica 's missing Wimbledon in 1991 than the shin splints that were eventually given as the reason , she is not going to tell us .
13 The entire box office receipts were normally given to the lucky artiste .
14 The ownership which the sellers were thus given in the handbags was not , however , reserved to the sellers but was granted to them by those who would otherwise have been the owners , namely the buyers of the leather .
15 The mid-1960s saw the development of models of temporary equilibrium , which took as their starting-point the assumption that the initial values of relative and absolute prices were arbitrarily given in the short run .
16 Additional responsibilities were also given to the two other ministers of state : Maneka Gandhi was given the portfolio of Programme Implementation and M. G. K. Menon given Human Resource Development .
17 Five seats were also given to the Ittehad-i-Islami , a Saudi-backed fundamentalist Wahhabi Sunni group led by Abdur Rab Rasool Sayyaf , whose fighters had been involved in fierce street battles with Wahdat in Kabul on June 2-6 .
18 The new date for the first round had been announced on Feb. 4 , when new provisional dates were also given for the second round ( March 8 ) and the two rounds of the presidential elections ( March 22 and April 5 ) .
19 Opportunities were also given at the Interior Design International Exhibition in London , where examples of the G.S.A. students ' work was shown on the Stoddard Sekers stand , including the stunning fresco print by John MacAulay which was featured on the stand ceiling .
20 The eastern states claimed they could not afford to dispose of the chemicals , which would require incineration , and were originally given until the end of 1992 to use them up .
21 His financial skills were freely given to the work of the church and the warmth of his welcome to visitors and his genuine interest in people made him a host of friends .
22 However , because of the limitations in the design of the study it was not clear to what extent the link between subjective risk and recall was caused by less interesting factors such as the type of memory test used , the fact that risk ratings were previously given by the drivers , and the expectations subjects may have had of what the study was about .
23 Because there was relatively little detail given and there were generally so few junctions remembered correctly , no attempt was made to analyse the types of information that were actually given in the descriptions , specifically , no attempt was made to classify details as central or peripheral .
24 At low-enough frequencies the parameters are again given by the slopes of characteristics .
25 That is a document which is effectively given for the protection of the Vendor .
26 In all metric measures and their direct phi-based equivalents only the 25th , 50th and 75th percentiles are used , so that attention is only given to the central half of the grain population present .
27 Often the encoder is visible ( being within the canonical situation of utterance ) and immediately audible and there takes place a kind of indexical reciprocity whereby the specific quality of a deictic expression is only given by the assignment of the extralinguistic referent .
28 The granting of planning permission increases the value of the land in question but , since no development charge is now levied , the development value is thus given to the owner along with the planning permission .
29 There are certainly some situations in which it would be seen as entirely inappropriate , for example in relationships between grandchildren and their grandparents , where support is normally given from the older to the younger generation , but in the form of a gift .
30 Again , we choose Oxford , but only because this is usually given as the place of publication for Oxford University Press books .
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