Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That would have been rather But I come out here but I can not see you know you can just just get them I seen some in that
2 You put out the word and it would n't have been long before you knew Vecchi was out of sight .
3 It had been long since he had asked her mother to share his bed , and for some time now his favourite had been a young Khabiri concubine , a month younger than she was herself .
4 ‘ We are together because we get on well . ’
5 Erm , so what we wanted to do was , we 've had we 're doing quite well with the ov , erm , the five weeks we 've been together but we wan na make sure that you do combat erm a successful pact .
6 In a postscript Dr. Yeats reported that he had subsequently seen both Dr. Thackeray and Mr. Leech who had been together since he had been with them on the previous day .
7 And if you phoned me early in the year it must have been just after we got the V W.
8 It must have been just after I left , thought Joan .
9 It must have been just before I left home in November .
10 Good pine shavings are best as they contain resin , which also acts as an insect repellent .
11 Wishart had been away but he had heard the stories later , how Alexander had suddenly looked down the hall , dropping his cup and going pale with fright .
12 You show grandma what a big boy you are tonight and you talk to her nicely on the phone and you
13 then I went , I went into town a bit later on , come down Manstral Road and there was like a load of traffic there and I got to where the traffic lights are just before you get to the big turning at Manstral Road
14 I found out who they are just before I left to see you .
15 ‘ Do n't you see , ’ her mother explained , drawing her close with an arm around her bony shoulders , ‘ you 'll be looking after boys soon and things are just like they say , boys do n't make passes at girls who wear glasses . ’
16 Obviously , the real nasties , Sun readers , are just as they have always been , vile and pretty anti-gay .
17 The traditional leather-trimmed wheel and large round instrument dials are just as you remember them .
18 Well they are anyway cos they 've been doing the test at eleven !
19 He might say " Things are exactly as I said they are " .
20 When would it have been approximately when he started this would you say ?
21 But they 're mostly like I say .
22 And although you 're right that they 've been selling flowers for a long time , they underwent a massive re-fit recently .
23 If you 're , if you 're outside and you get really cold what do you do ?
24 Well , sometime Wednesday you go , you really go through it cos you you 're not you 're not halfway through but you 're still but you 've done quite a bit .
25 Well I think the only difference is I say to her I hope you 're still cos she said to me you can come , I said I 'm coming straight round yours christmas day , I 'm not coming home waiting for you to come back , you do n't come till half past ten !
26 That 's what they 're like when I fetch them in , it 's not bad is it ?
27 Cos they 're like if you like .
28 ‘ However , you 're here and I know you have a key . ’
29 We 're here when they need us and are n't paid when they do n't . ’
30 If you 're here when I go , you will be coming .
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