Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] from [be] " in BNC.

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1 Whether they functioned as transmitters was difficult to prove : the technical problems of access to particular sites inside the skull , located in the middle of the dense networks of nerve cells and fibres which make up the brain , are still far from being completely solved .
2 Seemingly independent casual workers are often far from being so .
3 ‘ Although I 'm very far from being a rich man as yet , ’ Harry said with a smile , ‘ by Mum 's and Dad 's standards I am .
4 Just one glance had told Muldoon that they were very far from being as generous as he had encouraged Mark to believe .
5 The Titfords , as we know only too well , were very far from being rich and powerful tycoons ; nevertheless , the trend we have just outlined was at work in a much more modest way even in their fortunes as time went by .
6 There may be occasions when we feel ourselves in favour of particular activities that are defined as crimes ; but that is entirely different from being in favour of crime .
7 It is still far from being accepted .
8 Pure electronic publishing , the so-called paperless office , is still far from being a reality .
9 Thus the notion that being 70 is qualitatively different from being 70 in centuries past , assuming comparable social circumstances , is imprecise .
10 But this distinction is also far from being precise .
11 And yet I do n't think there 's anybody in this room who could last a minute in a ring with a sumo wrestler because obviously being fit for sumo wrestling is quite different from being fit for sprint running , you need a completely different physique .
12 Needless to say , the use of offshore centres is never far from being a controversial matter .
13 This is a great asset in favour of high-fibre dieting , but is very far from being the only advantage you gain when you follow the F-Plan slimming method .
14 Informal care between family members is very far from being unproblematic ; it can and almost always does , raise in an acute form issues of power , bereavement for the loss of a loved personality , anxiety about sole responsibility , and feelings of exploitation and manipulation ( ibid . ) .
15 Behaviour is very far from being disorderly .
16 Social life is very far from being governed by shrewd logic and sweet reason .
17 There is a very big market for graphical user interfaces but it is very far from being the whole market , and it seems highly likely that what the majority of today 's dogged MS-DOS users want is simply a few further refinements to the operating system they are familiar with .
18 But that list is very far from being exhaustive and does not touch on the much wider range of topics possible if aquarium facilities are available .
19 In the anisotropic case , however , the non-uniformity of stress is channelled in the outer portions of the plate and , for this case , of aspect ration 5:1 the central portion is very far from being under uniform stress .
20 Sieving is an essential ingredient in the generation of living order , but it is very far from being the whole story .
21 The experience of watching someone lecture to a live audience is very different from being there yourself .
22 Perhaps the most important thing that QED will have done is to open other sufferers ' eyes to the realisation that they are very far from being alone .
23 So far these are very far from being boom times .
24 Yet there exist common materials , within the scope of the subject of this book , where strains are very far from being small and may reach several hundred per cent .
25 It was entirely different from being on an out-station .
26 The monarchy established since 1830 was still far from being popular , but opposition to it was inchoate and lacking focus .
27 First , it revived international concern over what had often been called the ‘ forgotten war ’ — although it had by then lasted longer than the Second World War , it was still far from being brought to a formal end .
28 The ideal was very far from being a reality in 1922 , or indeed throughout NEP .
29 True , Tolkien 's favourite books were the old books — in English , the Anglo-Saxon poets ; in Icelandic , those of the Elder Edda ; in Celtic , the old Welsh Triads and the Irish was by far the most distinguished scholar in his field of Old and Middle English , his interest in it all was very far from being ‘ purely academic ’ .
30 I think it may give the Reader a worse Idea of her Person than it deserv 'd , which was very far from being shocking ; tho' there was nothing extraordinary in it .
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