Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , there have been changes of contrast and changes of detail on time scales from years to days , and for at least 100 years it has been widely realized that we are seeing the tops of richly coloured clouds that cover the entire planet .
2 It had been widely assumed that he would succeed Sir Robert Scholey when the chairman steps down .
3 It has been widely accepted that it is in the interests of individual patients , that psychiatric treatment and services should be provided as near as is reasonably practicable to the patient 's home and community … .
4 Although it had been widely reported that he had made a full confession during pre-trial questioning , in court Watanabe maintained that " there is no truth " in the reports that he had paid politicians .
5 In February 1991 he had moved from Palermo to Rome in order to become director-general of penal affairs in the Justice Ministry , and it had been widely expected that he might head a new judicial body which was to be created as part of a fresh anti-Mafia drive .
6 But I ca n't accept the argument that because you make provision to deal by law as well as by practice with the situations where things have got to that point in order to safeguard children , that you are thereby saying that you are going to take more children from their parents !
7 We are constantly reminded that we can not use the visible indicators as value assessments .
8 They are constantly reminded that they are an independent body , and the decisions they will be called upon to make must be based on their own findings from the information put before them .
9 ‘ They are obviously regretting that they let her start the paper round , but there seemed to be no reason for them to object to it . ’
10 I am only suggesting that you take a little time off , shall we say , until you are quite well again ? "
11 The performances on this new disc are first-rate ; indeed they are so polished that I found myself occasionally longing for something with a little more humanity and which more faithfully reflected what were in all probability the more rough-and-ready sounds of the Kürbs-Hütte clientele .
12 We are so made that we can derive intense enjoyment only from a contrast and very little from a state of things .
13 We also need Government investment to back up the youth services , teachers and parents so that the next generation of youngsters does not include a minority whose self-discipline , self-esteem and respect for their own future are so lacking that they get kicks from racing stolen cars or lobbing bottles at the police .
14 Their calls are also very intricate , and the sounds of some of them , the young , sexually mature humpback males , are so haunting that they have become a best-selling record .
15 Some federal states are so centralised that it is doubtful whether one should continue to refer to them as federal .
16 Some have been toppled , and some are so eroded that they appear to be nothing more than wind-scoured boulders .
17 In fact , these two warts are so enlarged that they look like long swellings behind the animal 's eyes , covered with pores through which the poison seeps .
18 The uses for speech synthesis are so varied that it is almost impossible to list them .
19 The two sets are so interwoven that it is difficult to claim they are separate .
20 ‘ I hope you are so humiliated that you commit suicide . ’
21 Some people have average abilities , but are so driven that they get their way .
22 ‘ Teaching at home is a bloody waste of time — the students are so alienated that they are just not interested . ’
23 Artificial languages have been constructed for which it is possible to ascribe unique , non-zero probabilities to generalizations , but the languages are so restricted that they contain no universal generalizations .
24 But it is infinitely worse if you are so divided that it is apparent you can not take any action at all .
25 Often the two structures are so intertwined that it is impossible to separate and distinguish them .
26 Planning and controlling are so intertwined that it is artificial to draw rigid lines between them .
27 In the case of a simple penal code , acceptance of its punishment is the best action by the deviant given that the alternative is reimposition of the punishment path : punishment outputs are so chosen that it is better not to postpone the date of reversion to collusion than to make a short-term gain from deviating from the punishment path .
28 She is my responsibility and I am merely suggesting that you may want to go home .
29 I am greatly touched that she thinks of me and remembers me even in the state of forgetfulness of human affairs in which she now finds herself .
30 As he had passed her in the little hall this morning a tendril of her silky black hair had brushed his ruined cheek , and the smell of it had been so distracting that he had feared for his composure .
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