Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] is that " in BNC.

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1 What has been less recognized is that legal structures constitute the family and roles within it .
2 So what what they 're actually saying is that here is a formal training that will make sure that everybody at the , who goes on this course , comes away with a measure of having achieved those skills because th the course itself is formed of two parts .
3 One which has been thoroughly explored is that of ‘ being ’ .
4 What I 'm also saying is that , that in terms of
5 But if it 's not required by law , then I can not issue , and if people ask for advice we are obliged under Fire Services , the Fire Services Act to give that advice , but what I 'm really saying is that with the , the pressure of work on the Fire Safety Department , it 's likely that if it 's a fairly low risk to life , we 'll never get round to it , and that 's the honest truth .
6 No no , there are natural , we always have a strong preference for something but we can actually develop them , just like management style we have a strong preference for , for one style but it is something that we can learn can get more and try and rationale sort of like theoretical we can try and rationalize what 's perhaps happening is that in situations when we 're not gaining a lot and it could be that it 's because it 's had a lot of activity and we can actually gain more from it we can rationalize it and analyze it .
7 What is perhaps missing is that element of spontaneity which serves to project Haydn 's originality in a more vivid manner .
8 One point , though , that is clearly understood is that legal measures alone are not sufficiently effective and must be supplemented by infrastructural measures , which have the advantage that the spatial layout of an area has a direct influence on the behaviour of road users .
9 What this model is really saying is that , what we actually do , er , create impressions erm , used .
10 A point that is often forgotten is that effective co-operation is not just a matter of professionals working with each other .
11 And most important of all and it is often forgotten is that in South Africa the regime and the western powers were facing a real hot revolution and that hot revolution could have destroyed the country for all its people .
12 Another important role that is frequently overlooked is that of ‘ technology gatekeeper ’ .
13 What is actually happening is that natural selection does not select for fitness understood as health and er individual health er and wellbeing , athletic ability and so on .
14 What is actually suggested is that instead of not taking twenty eight fire fighters out in St Albans , we do , having replaced that saving of twenty eight fire fighters with ten others .
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