Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] out [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is easily seen that all the probes producing ‘ blocks ’ of extra positives outside the main diagonal ( like those hitting the centromeric regions of all three chromosomes ) are successfully filtered out and most ( about 80% ) of the coligated clones or those containing repeats are excluded from the analysis .
2 It has also been acutely pointed out that the title ‘ philhellene ’ , which was perhaps first given to Alexander I by writers of the fourth century , actually implies a denial that he was Greek .
3 We would be delighted , and I expect that would blight his future even more , but it is essential that we have a mechanism to check on what is happening so that there is information and a body to which people can bring their grievances so that matters are properly set out and , more important , rectified before damage is done .
4 If it looks scruffy , then it implies that you are scruffy , if it looks badly thought out , unclear , then it implies that you are badly thought out and unclear .
5 He said the plans for pedestrianisation had been badly thought out and should be scrapped before what he described as ‘ inevitable chaos ’ began .
6 His account brings the whole city alive : the dry bones of the period are suddenly fleshed out and take on a recognizable human face .
7 It has been rightly pointed out that a quick ball from such a scrum does not necessarily lead to a running game and that the centre of the field , already bustling with activity due to the increased fitness and range of the modern player , would be clogged up with roaming loose forwards relieved of scrummage duties .
8 They add : " In any case , there is always a degree of uncertainty about outcomes at the beginnings of a new initiative , when alternatives are imprecisely mapped out and staff are to be engaged in a process of critical reflection .
9 In these cases , letter string combinations are only ruled out if they do not occur in the sample source .
10 Many businesses print or refer to their standard terms of trading on their invoices which are normally sent out after the contract has been performed — for instance by delivery of goods .
11 Any mains spikes are largely smoothed out while recharging the batteries , and a very clean 240 volts supply is reformed by an oscillator to power the computer .
12 The restoration has been excellently carried out and the interior retains its early Christian feeling , with the long nave , Ionic colonnade and timber roof .
13 The design has the advantage that both solvent and solution compartments are easily rinsed out and the cell does not have to be dismantled if contamination by permeation of low molar mass solute occurs .
14 Nutrients vital to tree health , such as calcium , magnesium , sodium and potassium , are easily leached out when a high level of acidity occurs .
15 In 1834 reforming zealots destroyed a vast collection of Exchequer tallies in the furnaces of the House of Lords , and through the centuries they have been thoughtlessly thrown out and destroyed in the same way that , after a period , we ourselves dump old bills and receipts .
16 They 're probably looked out or something the key .
17 Grouping carbon dioxide and all the other greenhouse gases together , most computer models predict that an increase in greenhouse gases equivalent to a doubling of carbon dioxide concentration from its pre-industrial level will be reached during the decade of the 2030s ( even if CFCs are rapidly phased out as planned ) .
18 These are more spaced out than the ones in Exodus , and the next one does not appear till chapter 14 .
19 This means that gluons for some reason produce jets that are more spread out than the ones that originate from quarks .
20 In fact , selective planting will help to soften the overall pattern and , if the shapes are carefully worked out and planted well , the final result will be a functional and fascinating living lesson in geometry that will serve you and your family well .
21 The plans for each session are clearly laid out and various learning strategies are suggested : discussion ; brainstorming ; role play ( with additional situation cards ) ; exercises ; reflection .
22 They are clearly set out and if they are flouted we can not accept it . ’
23 RELEASES are also sent out before work starts to warn of any inconvenience that might be caused by mainlaying .
24 ‘ This has all been carefully thought out and we will be replanting with slow growing species such as hawthorn and hazel , ’ Mr Knipe said .
25 The sleeve had been carefully spread out and the cuff bore a trace of what could have been blood .
26 The church had been carefully laid out and constructed , but the basic unit of measurement had eluded us until December 1982 , when Michael Vickers of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford , a former member of the excavation-team , suggested that it might be the cubit , and , specifically , the long cubit .
27 We are in the run-up to a general election and every figure that the Secretary of State has produced today has been carefully worked out and planted among Conservative Back-Bench Members as a publicity stunt , just like the patients charter .
28 You will find that a large proportion of them need a good ten inches between shelves , not forgetting that there must be ample room for them to be gently eased out and not hooked by the headband .
29 It said : ’ Local authorities , like central Government , should become enablers rather than providers Compulsory competitive tendering should be progressively phased out and replaced by compulsory private tendering Only public health , civil defence and local amenities need to remain an integral part of local government . ’
30 I 'm just , I 'm just moving out and er I just can nae cope any more .
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