Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [det] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the factors already discussed , the main stimulus to employers ' organisation in a number of countries appears to have been less that of a counter to growing union power , or an attempt to achieve market or labour force regulation , and more a response to what was perceived as a threat to common employer interests arising from increasing state intervention .
2 Jobs , government officials say , are much less of a problem than is housing .
3 ‘ The diesel engines are much more of a pollutant than buses , ’ he said dismissively .
4 Existing rooms which need a face-lift or which you would like to have a completely new image are much more of a problem .
5 The majoritarian liberal democracies are basically those with a strong Anglo-American heritage ; the consensual liberal democracies on the federal-unitary dimension are largely those with plural ( i.e. strongly multi-cultural ) societies .
6 But the role and powers proposed are less those of an ombudsman than of a commissar .
7 Ellen and I both assumed that Sweetman 's interest in Wavebreaker had been merely that of a prospective charterer who wanted to reconnoitre the boat 's amenities .
8 And then I realized it might not have been so all of a sudden at that .
9 ‘ F— off mate ! they 're as much of a joke as you are . ’
10 They you find yourself working in television and you realize you 're as much of a wanker as anyone else .
11 And I 'll tell you another thing , you 're too much of a liability .
12 ‘ You 're too much of a snob , guv' — that 's your problem . ’
13 Surely you 're too much of a maverick to be jealous of my latest promotion .
14 ‘ I needed some time alone in which to get my head together — you 're very much of a distraction , ’ he murmured .
15 If your talents are more those of an illustrator you should be applying to one of the commercial studios which supply agencies and magazines .
16 Give the Conservatives the credit of having played a very weak hand with great expertise , but they are still less of a threat to Labour than the SNP , now second in 35 seats .
17 Our relations from now on are strictly those of a prisoner and a warder .
18 The two most useful sizes are probably those with a floor area of 200 cm2 or 1200 cm2 and 12 cm high ( internal measurements ) .
19 The above specific items are probably enough of a change you may think .
20 For some the only problem encountered with dogs is getting the brown stuff out of their outsoles , but dogs are clearly more of a pest than this , if our postbag is anything to go by .
21 Morris 's role appears to have been both that of a clerk of works , responsible to a greater or lesser degree for the erection of the buildings , and that of an architectural amanuensis employed to make ‘ Drawings and Explanations of his Lordship 's Directions ’ ; but to what extent he was involved in the actual process of design is not certain .
22 It is a curious paradox that often the most spectacularly successful and numerous organisms are also those with a finite geological record .
23 Occupations with a high part-timer share are also those with a high casual worker share , and there are grounds for thinking that in certain cases the two categories of worker are functional equivalents .
24 They are often more of a blockage to communication than a channel .
25 Her own father had been as much of a weakling as her husband subsequently became ; Gustave supplanted him .
26 Conservationists argue that they are far less of a threat to stocks of fish such as salmon than water diversion schemes and bad logging practices .
27 WOBBLY teeth in unsound gums are as much of a problem in adults as tooth decay .
28 For a man , this does not seem to be so much of a problem ; he can be one of a squadron of marching , identically dressed soldiers , or one of a thousand employees in a firm , and still know that he is special and unique .
29 ‘ You are n't a great meat-eater , are you , dear , ’ said Bertha , ‘ so the approach of Lent wo n't be so much of a hardship for you . ’
30 Then it would n't be so much of a shock to you , either !
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