Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb pp] [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has been widely held that normochromic anaemia is indicative of chronic renal failure , but recent epidemiological evidence supports our findings that anaemia is also commonly present in patients with both ARF and AonCRF , and is , therefore , not a helpful discriminant .
2 The point had been successfully made that such a case belonged to the Church 's jurisdiction , not to the Crown 's .
3 It has been effectively argued that live performance before an audience can be the most crucial part of a popular musician 's growth as an artist .
4 It has been rightly said that these remarkable statements can only be seen as Hitler 's wish to make manifest his work in the eyes of history .
5 One person pointed out that , if it was not an accident , there were serious political overtones and the convention had been long established that political matters were never raised at presbytery meetings .
6 ( Meliaceae ) but durian seeds are so damaged that ground-walking animals are thought to be the principal effective agents possibly sun-bears , or even tigers .
7 The often quoted examples of the linear parishes in Lincolnshire and Wiltshire ( Fig. 15 ) are so arranged that each of the land uses , and access to them , is equal for all settlements .
8 It has been generally accepted that adenomatous polyps develop in the second and third decade with most affected untreated subjects developing a colorectal carcinoma by the age of 40 years .
9 It is only when they have been thus adopted that conscious strategy turns into habitual rule , coping into culture .
10 I am immensely gratified that those who participate in the activities of co-operation between the RUC and Garda Siochana say that the quality of co-operation is at its highest point for 30 years .
11 But it has been further seen that strong justification is needed for adopting a system at variance with prevailing medical views .
12 To all whom this epistle shall come , Greetings — Whereas we have been credibly informed by our well-beloved subject the right honourable Lord Clovelly , of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk , and on behalf of our well-beloved subject Christopher Everard , Gentleman , that the said Christopher Everard hath lately discovered several Islands in the Hesperidean seas towards the continent of America , the one called Saint Thomas 's , alias Everhope ( though this be error ) , or in the native tongue Liamuiga , and another , as the savages of those parts name it , Oualie ; that we are further informed that these said Islands are possessed and inhabited only by the aforementioned savages and heathen people , and are not , nor at the time of the discovery were , in the possession or under the government of any Christian Prince , state or potentate , and thereupon the said Christopher Everard , being set forth and supplied on our shores for that purpose , made entry into the said Islands for and on behalf of our dear Father in heaven , and hath since with the consent and good liking of the natives made some beginning of a plantation and colony and likewise of an hopeful trade there , and hath caused divers of our subjects of this realm to remove themselves to the said Islands with purpose to proceed in so hopeful a work : KNOW THEREFORE that the said Lord Clovelly and Christopher Everard may be encouraged and the better enabled with the more ample maintenance and authority to effect the same , We do command the said Christopher Everard to be possessed of the said Islands and all our other loving subjects under him : And of our especial great and certain knowledge have given and granted unto the said Christopher Everard during our pleasure custody of the aforesaid Islands and of every creature , man , woman and child upon them together with full power and authority for us and in our name and as our Lieutenant to govern rule and order all .
13 Hopes are still expressed that old manufacturing industries will re-employ all those previously made redundant as soon as the economic recession is over .
14 It has been repeatedly reported that smooth muscle antibodies of autoimmune chronic hepatitis are directed to cell actin .
15 It has also been inconveniently revealed that some Muslim fighters have being doing to Croats what the Croats stand accused of doing to Muslims .
16 I am repeatedly told that all the fuss is being caused by a vociferous minority of licensees .
17 Although it has been traditionally assumed that Labour Governments are more susceptible to defeat in the Lords than Conservative administrations , Brazier concludes that the Lords have been surprisingly even-handed in dealing out legislative defeats .
18 They are often told that gross over-ruddering is needed to spin , but this is not the case .
19 In the basic Gaussian method just described , it has been tacitly assumed that all errors are equally likely .
20 All are now agreed that that proved to be a remarkably accurate estimate .
21 It has however been convincingly demonstrated that complex substantive value judgments underlie the determination of many ostensibly process-related issues .
22 As Julian Leff points out : ‘ it seems likely that if the uniqueness of the individual 's inner experience became the dominant value in society , the bonds between people would be so attenuated that such a society would probably not be viable . ’
23 The reception office should be so organised that all sources of information necessary to answer enquiries are immediately to hand .
24 Sadly , it appears to be generally accepted that this is the way people in service industries in Glasgow behave .
25 A reader has pointed out to me : ‘ It is quite unreasonable for you to criticise the scheme since it may not be generally known that any Senior Manager is able to purchase a top-of-the-range BMW K Series four-cylinder model anti-lock brakes , black paint finish , radio etc and still have funds to spare . ’
26 It seems to be generally agreed that young mothers run a far higher risk of isolation and loneliness than their Victorian counterparts .
27 It seems to be generally agreed that this is in some way ‘ special ’ , and peculiar to English .
28 It 's not that I 'm totally assured that this time round I wo n't be quite so foolish , it 's simply that I know it 's possible to progress to that stage beyond ‘ falling in love ’ — if I do n't opt out as soon as he starts to look less like Prince Charming and more like Mr Very Ordinary and Boring .
29 It would not be reasonably foreseen that these accounts would still be relied upon by any banker acting in the ordinary course of business as a basis for assessing the then creditworthiness of Berg after the passage of more than about 15 months from the end of the period covered by the accounts .
30 It may be reasonably speculated that English ethnocentricity , then as now , would assume that , first the Scots and later the Irish , were let into Westminster , but the legislation gives no warrant for this assumption .
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