Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 Both are lavishly illustrated throughout with period photographs and technical drawings .
2 The three of them seemed to have been inexorably drawn together with each step they had taken .
3 Since 1926 ( 1939 in Scotland ) stillbirths ( over 28 weeks gestation ) have been compulsorily recorded together with cause .
4 In most cases , late leaching was accompanied by the calcitisation of dolomite and secondary limestones are normally found together with the porous dolomites ( Figs. 21 , 22 , 23 and 24 ; Clark 1980a ) .
5 Problems which are ignored are generally made worse with time , and consequently take much longer to deal with effectively , and also require more confidence and expertise on the part of the counsellor .
6 ‘ Yes , ’ said Dalgliesh , 'we 're so sated now with scientific wonders that it 's a bit disconcerting when we find that technology can do everything except what we want it to . ’
7 Comparisons are usually made visually with platinum-cobalt standards prepared from mixtures of chloroplatinic acid and cobalt chloride .
8 The Hunt Balls are still recalled today with something akin to awe in the villages of Lartington and Cotherstone where several former servants of the Fields live in retirement .
9 But concession and compromises are still made only with one end in sight .
10 They are also fed intermittently with stunned insects .
11 They are also associated generally with outer-city speech , and data collected by survey methods confirm that the higher the status of the speaker , the more likely he is to use raised variants ( see J. Milroy et al. , 1983 ) .
12 RAF and American bases , past and present , are often linked strongly with the local community and this is often reflected in the design .
13 Organization Based on the MIT 's analysis of the plant since May 1991 , production teams are now formed differently with a new role for some operators .
14 These are now supplied automatically with some machines .
15 MMRC and MCC decisions can be sensibly implemented only with the knowledge and good will of staff .
16 Are they to be sharply accented upwards with a hold on the downwards accent as they are in Ashton 's version of the Act III pas de quatre in Swan Lake ?
17 Even so , this is still largely an unmapped terrain , and the research strategy adopted here is one which aims to clarify some of the issues involved in inter-agency work and to identify areas of work in which it might be usefully advanced together with the limits and obstacles to its development .
18 Even in the private sphere , however , Hart modified Mill 's principle by justifying a degree of paternalism , since there are those who may be seriously harmed even with their own consent .
19 It studies ‘ snapshots ’ of the successive positions , and so discovers specific points of contact with coincidentally present blocks ( such as D ) which will interrupt the fall that would have been predicted by a theoretical physicist from equations and measurements describing A and B. As in this case , many detailed relations between blocks are implicit in the diagrammatic representation which could be explicitly stated only with the greatest difficulty .
20 The twin starting points for this view are the widespread injustice and oppression which exist today in Latin America and which are then analysed sociologically with a Marxist framework , together with the fact that in the Incarnation God has declared his intention to liberate all people from every kind of slavery and injustice .
21 Both linguistic and sensory motor development are then co-ordinated further with the ‘ brain maturation curve ’ .
22 At the end of the incubation period , plates were gently washed twice with 100 µl of PBS to remove unattached cells .
23 Type specimens of most species were also examined together with material in the collections of the BMNH .
24 Some sections were also stained immunohistochemically with polyclonal antibody to blood group factor H ( Becton-Dickenson , UK ) .
25 But the family were also linked tenurially with the house of York , and after William Tyrell 's execution it was the dowager duchess of York who had custody of James and his land , although she granted both to William 's widow and her feoffees .
26 But the family were also linked tenurially with the house of York , and after William Tyrell 's execution it was the dowager duchess of York who had custody of James and his land , although she granted both to William 's widow and her feoffees .
27 Both types were often set parallel with the road in an extensive plot of land .
28 " More water , dear , " she asked , and then , obviously speaking to Patrick , whose eyes were now squeezed tight with pain .
29 His hands were tightly bound together with what felt like bootlaces .
30 The books in the bookcase are either fallen apart with age , or mundane , or both .
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