Example sentences of "[be] [pers pn] [verb] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The two clubs are I think are in the process of electing er members and have asked us to put forward two parish councillors to be their nominees .
2 Although they do they do I mean I 've been I 've been to the presentations
3 I 've been I 've been to the Saturdays and Wednesdays
4 Well I have been I 've been in bed half the time with
5 She actually I have to be I 've been to her house and she lives in the middle of nowhere I wo n't tell you where , she lives in the middle of nowhere in fact I drove past it three times before we found it .
6 It 's funny er when Richard came in the other day and said he 'd been he 'd been to the dentist and you said oh well they have n't been in touch with us yet .
7 I , I do n't know how they get there but they know how our army works , we know how their army works , we can not hide manoeuvre 's and every army in the world knows the manoeuvre 's I 've been on one big NATO manoeuvre out in Germany right , and you 're saying to me they do n't know how I , how each army works
8 But one , one of the coloured chaps where Tasha works said he was he 'd been to one of these Blind Dates , he was on but we have n't come across him yet have we ?
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