Example sentences of "[be] [noun pl] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the structure and the information are forms of expression for copyright purposes .
2 " There are crowds of people on the roofs . "
3 There are accounts of dogs of Mastiff type being exported from Britain to Rome through an agent known as the Procurator Pugnacium ( provider of dogs ) .
4 These are pairs of things in a fundamental way like causal circumstances and effects .
5 Bisset , using a description of Taking the Side of the Other as a justification for the tactic , concluded that ‘ there are states of society in which it would be proper to contract the very opinions that it would be right to cherish in other circumstances ’ ( Bisset , 1800 : 269 ) .
6 But there are signs of haste in the recording or editing process — at 23'04 ’ in the first movement ( eight bars after fig. 69 ) the first piccolo appears to play G and A flat together , as though two takes have been momentarily overlaid ; then there is a stray timpani stroke at 9′52″ in the third movement , what sounds like a stray clonk on the xylophone at 3′54″ in the finale , and , most unfortunate of all , a discrepancy of tuning between the timpani and the rest of the orchestra later in this movement ( at 4′25″ , in the return of the introduction ) .
7 While Europe is still suffering the effects of recession , it believes there are signs of upturn in the US economy .
8 However , there are signs of change at some levels , because men are now being accepted on to the CARE course , which provides specialist training in how to deal with victims of sex crimes , although this might simply reflect a recognition that an increasing number of victims are young boys .
9 It is hardly surprising that there are signs of disenchantment with Æthelred 's government .
10 It was hard work , but for the first time there are signs of movement in Stephen 's legs and clinic staff are hopeful he may soon be able to walk .
11 There are signs of cracks in the bonding however as bigger and better shops are being taken over by Pakistani families .
12 If there are signs of infection on the smear , you may be asked to see your own doctor for treatment before having the smear repeated .
13 For the East Germans the Poles had been objects of contempt for most of Prussian history , and the loss of land to them was an insult that was not to be swallowed , but would instead produce a festering sense of indignity , shame and anger .
14 and you were in your room , erm it was , like all day at work today there 's been loads of activity outside the magistrate 's court with like , with erm various
15 Nevertheless , cattle are enemies of grass in that it is still true that an individual grass plant would be better off not being eaten by a cow than being eaten , and any mutant plant that possessed , say , a chemical weapon that protected it against cows , would set more seed ( containing genetic instructions for making the chemical weapon ) than rival members of its own species that were more palatable to cows .
16 Hence unfair dismissal and redundancy are considered by the tribunal , as are cases of discrimination on the grounds of race , sex or trade union activities .
17 Finally , there are conflicts of interests between individuals in different roles .
18 Wright , an affable New Zealander , told me last night : ‘ There are loads of reasons for my going , but the main one is the state of the modern game .
19 Then again if you 're I think the only thing on that I would say is that , creativity in as a positive , erm , that that your there are loads of possibilities about how you could actually try and create situations , which would actually break down barrier , one of the barriers you had was , I 'll give you one if you give me one .
20 Many people were buying it for silly uses like bonding plastics — there are loads of alternatives for that ’ .
21 ‘ Counter cultures ’ are groups of people within society whose values and norms are different from and go against those held in the wider society .
22 On the walls are copies of portraits of the Habsburgs from Rudolf II to Maria Theresa .
23 There are rules of procedure to be observed .
24 Above are illustrations of sections of the central ridge of the Cuillin .
25 They carry quasi-symbolic meaning : bears , cats and forest fires are objects of fear to the people and so convey their recognition of the power and danger of the new people .
26 Key to the work on markets are considerations of change in the world religions and in painting .
27 In many cases , what we see defined within these boundaries are units of land with a variety of land uses for the support of one or more settlements .
28 At Knossos , there are dedications of offerings to ‘ The Lady of the Labyrinth ’ : ‘ Potnia ’ occurs repeatedly as the main goddess 's name ; later on , in the classical period , the term was used as a respectful , honorific title in addressing women of rank , but it originated as the proper name of the principal Minoan goddess .
29 There are trays of salt for them to walk across when that happens , so that the raw flesh can be hardened . ’
30 And when the soles of their feet are skinless , there are trays of salt for them to walk across to harden the skin …
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