Example sentences of "[be] [noun pl] [Wh det] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When enterprises plan their production on the criterion of profitability they are only honouring their obligation to their shareholders — — to earn them a reasonable return on their money — and if those shareholders are institutions which are in turn merely trustees of the people 's savings … well , evidently notions of class struggle and exploitation must be out of date .
2 It is early days yet to see how the ideas of Total Quality Management will affect the way in which schools operate but I have no doubt they are concepts which are of great usefulness to education .
3 There will always be books which are worth launching with a party because you are going to get wide coverage , but the half-page ad in Cosmo on your own is n't worth half as much as an advertorial that is tied in with a bookshop group .
4 He came , towards the end of the nineties , to believe that there are erm there must be things which are in the strictest possible sense non-mental , and which would be what they were , even if there had never been any minds that were conscious of them .
5 Erm it 'll it 'll be enquiries which are of very general interest , Mm erm which I should think you 're just as much of an expert as anybody else at answering .
6 I am not a Christian because I do not credit , as I earlier put it , that nature and history could be other than closed causal nexuses or believe that there can be events which are in some way qualitatively different from other events .
7 Inadequate pre-school provision in the neighbourhood , poor play facilities for children in the evenings and holidays , the poor state of fencing on local stretches of railway or canal are things which , although vital to parents and children , are issues which are beyond the control of the school .
8 Nor are foods which are for immediate consumption .
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