Example sentences of "[be] [noun pl] [pron] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They hint that there are secrets which can only be divulged and discussed with those who have also been there …
2 The rest are bruises which will quickly heal . ’
3 When there are solutions one can easily find them .
4 How long it takes to reach the size , and the actual attainable size of this fish are things we will only find out with time .
5 There is no need whatsoever to spend large amounts of money on flower pressing equipment , since the majority of items are either very inexpensive or are things you may already have around the house .
6 ‘ If you add the £4 for a referee , it is a lot of money , and there are teams which will just fold up because they can not find that kind of money .
7 Whether the new tax will have the desired effect and whether it will have an effective life-span ( there is in already a White Paper on ‘ Land ’ ( Cmnd 5730 ) ) are questions which can only be answered in the future .
8 Any Associate is recruited with the prospect that he or she will be eligible for partnership after a few years : business development abilities , superior counselling skills in the field and a deep commitment to the firm and its progress are qualities which will rapidly become determinant .
9 I said to the orchestra , ‘ If there are discords we must always play them as beautifully as we know how . ’
10 There will always be subjects which can only be handled by referring them to apparently independent adjudicators outside government .
11 As I hope I have made clear already , the objectives have to be things which can actually be achieved by advertising — ‘ to increase sales ’ is not an advertising objective , though it is something to which advertising can and should contribute .
12 But , for certain , the fellowship of the place , the friendships — many of them cross-party — will be things they will long miss and never forget .
13 In some cases longer detention would be requisite , and there may from time to time be murderers who can never be released .
14 What they are trying to buy are assets which can best be developed by Palatine itself , including some which can only be developed by Palatine as an independent brewery .
15 there are pupils who will probably
16 She stood in front of the mirror and in front of her mother , and she suffered because she knew that there was no escape ; the reasons why the dress would not do were reasons which could never be communicated .
17 It makes no sense to contemplate a general policy of reducing adverse events in people 's lives , even if it were possible , unless perhaps they were crises which might unavoidably lead to the person becoming trapped into a highly stressful lifestyle .
18 When we were kids we 'd never of dreamt of this would we ?
19 Over half of the Dwarf force had been slain and although Skarsnik had lost many good warriors they were losses he could easily afford .
20 Yes , there were things she would never experience in life , special things which a man and woman in love might enjoy ; she would never carry Tyler 's child again , nor would the two of them grow old together , content in each other 's love .
21 You cared about other people and tried to be kind to them , even though they were strangers you would probably never meet again .
22 Since half of the original sample were women there will also be an opportunity to compare the experiences of male and female entrepreneurs .
23 In the great Scandinavian tradition of Greta Garbo and Ingrid Bergman , Lorna Lewis and her daughter Jo Forbes were actresses who could never give of their best when their shoes pinched .
24 Now that 45% of those qualifying are women we can no longer ignore the needs of those reluctant to work over 72 hours a week .
25 This is the reason for the ungrammaticality of : ( 40 ) the only book missing readable is Twyford 's Lives of the Slovak Saints By contrast , the examples of ( 41 ) are fully acceptable : ( 41 ) the only readable book missing is the one I told you about the only missing book readable is the one already mentioned The same contrast is seen in ( 42 ) beside the two cases of ( 43 ) which are both grammatically acceptable ( although not of course quite identical in meaning ) : ( 42 ) *one journalist striking accessible is Jana Flynn ( 43 ) one striking journalist accessible is Jana Flynn one accessible journalist striking is Jana Flynn The restriction is general , applying even if the particular adjectives concerned are ones which can normally appear postnominally .
26 I mean there 's times I could just take Billy and just but then you have to think , no .
27 In fact th the older kind I that I mind of there was places you could even sit in the nook .
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