Example sentences of "[be] [adj] he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd been convinced he respected her so much that he had intentions of a more permanent nature .
2 Each time he attempts to show they are ignorant he displays his own ignorance .
3 " Interested of course we 're interested He knows we are .
4 And you 're sure he did it ?
5 Although ‘ in-depth ’ may not be part of Howard Barker 's vocabulary , I am sure he believes his play is far from superficial .
6 I suppose I should be grateful he told me about the call at all , but he had to really , did n't he ?
7 I think he 's spoken to you about me , and I 'm sorry he considers me to be unreliable : happy-go-lucky was how he described me , I imagine .
8 I 'm sorry he missed his Blue but Oxford was very strong in those years …
9 That is the reality of what er Mike said and I 'm sorry he pinched my line politics is the art of the possible and that is a message I 'm afraid that the Conservatives on this council have never adopted .
10 I 'm afraid he has his diary with him .
11 I 'm convinced he drew me aside , away from Jeeta and Jamila , into the store-room , where we sat on wooden boxes like skiving factory workers , because he was ashamed , or at least bashful , about his unsweet victory .
12 ‘ Well , I 'm glad he got you home safely …
13 At the time I just wanted to be left alone , but now I 'm glad he pressured me into doing more talks .
14 Then impulsively she added , ‘ I 'm glad he has you , Rachel . ’
15 ‘ I 'm glad he gave it to you .
16 ‘ I 'm sure he ate it all .
17 ‘ Once he 'd recharged his batteries I 'm sure he realised it was the wrong decision .
18 I 'm sure he knew we were trying to get rid of him because he would n't go !
19 I 'm sure he told me when I was asked
20 I 'm sure he meant it for the best — I always told you , he means well — but I have to admit , he 's not an easy man to talk to .
21 ‘ If he suits you I 'm sure he suits me .
22 Whether he wanted to be hurt and suffer , or an excuse to hit me back , I do n't know , but I 'm sure he wanted me to hit him .
23 I 'm sure he means her some harm . ’
24 I 'm sure he gives them a lot of his time but if you practise and play that much … hell , you have got to do so many other things as well . ’
25 Seems odd , I 'm sure he showed me , he showed me a reading week before Christmas .
26 ‘ Bruce Rioch switched me around , though to be fair he improved my game .
27 ‘ I 'm amazed he answered it even ! ’
28 He fixed his eyes on the prophecy with fresh deliberation , denying himself the comfort of blinking to be certain he missed nothing .
29 ‘ Maybe he never meant Damien to end up dead , but I 'm certain he had something to do with it . ’
30 In fact I 'm surprised he asked you .
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