Example sentences of "[be] [adj] with what [be] " in BNC.

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1 In a seminar last week at CERN , Rubbia presented five events , or collisions , in which the particles that emerge are consistent with what is expected for a particular mode of decay of the particle .
2 Now whether that is that they are annoyed that there is n't childcare facilities , or whether they 're annoyed that they have to make dinner for their husbands , or whether they 're annoyed with what 's on television , or at the kind of newspapers that are coming in the door or whatever .
3 They are concerned with what is perceived to be ‘ right ’ for individual old people and their supporters and what degree of professional responsibility and organisational accountability the workers have for such people .
4 They seem to be inconsistent with what is known of the laws of nature .
5 You will probably be stuck with what 's on site , but could you make better use of it ?
6 On the other hand , while it is true that it is rarely useful to explain behaviour in terms of neural events , our description of psychological processes must at least be compatible with what is known of their neural substrate .
7 Instead of an obsession with Germany 's position , should we not be obsessed with what is happening in Croatia , where one in eight of the population has been displaced , we have provided only £77,000 in humanitarian aid and the people are being pounded into the ground ?
8 In addition , we ordinarily assume that what is stated on one occasion may be identical with what is stated on a different occasion , even though its truth-value might change .
9 It is possible that these 16 treatment comparisons across blocks are of much less interest than the 12 within-block comparisons and we can be satisfied with what are effectively two separate four-plot experiments .
10 People will wonder if it is their fault that the person who died in the road traffic accident perhaps was not looking where they were going because of being preoccupied with what was happening just before they left home .
11 Three budding Nigel Mansells and an instructor in each car , went progressively faster around the circuit on the racing line until all were familiar with what was expected of them .
12 Whereas in Yorkshire the penetration and usage is very low perhaps the lowest in the country erm where there is still very much a heritage of , Well what 's wrong with what 's in t' tap lad ?
13 Well but e bu bu but that i is inconsistent with what is telling us , th there 's nothing in 's speech which , which whi which condones that kind of excessive violence .
14 the clients ' reports via Micromail , once the project coordinator has agreed that he 's happy with what 's on there .
15 One further point is worth remembering ; the root definition is concerned with what is being achieved , not how it is done , and any inclusion of a ‘ how ’ statement should be shown as a constraint , eg improving productivity by the use of incentive bonus schemes .
16 The simplest definition of the curriculum is ‘ what is taught ’ ( Taylor and Richards 1985 , p. 2 ) and the study of the curriculum is concerned with what is taught ( description ) and what ought to be taught ( prescription ) .
17 An individual who can control and coordinate the other team members , who recognises their talents but is not threatened by them , and who is concerned with what is feasible rather than what is exciting or imaginative .
18 In an early comment upon denudation chronology Day Kimball ( 1948 ) proposed that historical geology could be divided into two parts : stratigraphy , which deals with what is there and denudation chronology , which is concerned with what is n't !
19 It is concerned with what is possible in the context of the strengths and weaknesses of the company and the threats and opportunities it perceives in the world outside the company , the environment in which it operates .
20 The empirical approach is concerned with what is and what can be seen and touched , proceeding on the basis of testing and retesting and largely rejecting dogma and abstract or coherent grand designs for change .
21 Handmaids are n't allowed to answer back , so most of the book is concerned with what 's going on in Offred 's head .
22 Mach was unhappy with what was happening in the Ping Tiao .
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